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I'm getting out, Vale promised herself as she kept her face as emotionless as she could. She wasn't used to keeping her thoughts, feelings, opinions, and facial expressions hidden. She was more likely to say something that got her in trouble than to play it safe.

"Do you often speak out of turn?"

"I wasn't aware that stating the obvious would insult your temperament." Vale snapped her mouth shut as soon as the words tumbled from her mouth. I knew my mouth was going to get me killed someday. Shut up, Vale!

The man laughed, a cold humorless laugh that echoed around the room, wrapping her in an unpleasant chill. His voice was grating against her, an unwanted piece of attention. "I take it by your clear distaste that you know who I am." The man said.

Vale gave a sharp nod, her eyes narrowing now that all pretense was out the window. "You are a Devinus," she replied.

The man moved to the stairs and walked down, each step slow, demanding attention. "You make it sound like a foul word." He stopped ten feet from her, tilting his head covered in wispy blond hair to the side. He oozed power, his posture straight, his eyes sharp as he gazed at her. Vale had to force herself to stand still and not turn and run. Everything inside of her was screaming to flee.

"There is no need to display such a face," he said with a cluck of his tongue in disapproval.

"I am Kedar Devinus. Head of my home."

"Why are you keeping me here?" Vale replied, uninterested in sharing pleasantries. He was merely toying with her, making her wait until he made the order to have her killed. She refused to allow him to string her along with his absurd dramatic show of power. If these were her last moments, she would show no fear.

He waved her question away, acting as if it was merely an insect. "You were injured by the AI's. It seemed only just to patch you up before letting you go."

Vale's heart raced as she processed his words. She looked down at herself. She was still dressed in the outfit from the bridge, but a small hole was ripped into the side of her clothes, and where the spear had pierced her was now new pink skin. She stared down at it in shock. "What did you do?" She hated the awe in her tone, betraying her anger.

"Magnificent isn't it. Far better than any human hands could have performed." Vale ignored the insult that was more than likely meant for Dash. "If you had the proper care at the time, I am sure they could have saved your arm too."

There was a time where she had hated her arm. Questioned her humanity, wondering if it made her less human. But she knew better now. Vale transformed her metal arm into a double-headed axe, hoping to prove her unspoken point.

"Although you seem to fare nicely with that garish thing," Kedar said his nose scrunching in disapproval. "Now that you have been healed, you are free to leave my home."

Vale quirked up a doubtful eyebrow, waiting for the catch. But he stayed silent, forcing Vale to speak again. "Just like that? No sending me out in a body bag."

"You have a strange sense of humor. No. The door is that way. The guards have been told to let you walk straight out of the building." He gestured to the door across the room from her, his eyes finally leaving her and moving towards the door.

Now no longer under his gaze, Vale moved across the room, moving at a quick face, forcing herself to walk rather than sprint from the room. "Oh I forgot to mention..." Kedar said from behind her. "I have someone here that I thought you would want to see."

Vale refused to turn around. She was close to the door, itching to leave, refusing to take the bait. "You have nothing that I want," Vale said as her hand reached the doorknob.

"On the contrary. I've heard you've been searching for him." Vale froze, her hand hovering over the door handle. He's lying...

"That you broke protocol to chase after him." Vale's hand fell to her side, her heart racing wildly. He isn't here... Please don't be here.

"Would you like to say hello?"

Vale turned and found something out of place. Something breathtaking. Beautiful. Perfect in such a terrifying place of garish audacity. A boy with bright blond hair that used to go down to his shoulders, but now cut to his jaw and slicked back, golden strands glistening in the afternoon light. Blue eyes broke up the marble backdrop of the room. He was so striking that Vale couldn't help but stare. Something she often found herself doing whenever she was near him.

Sky? She blinked and the blond boy she knew was gone, replaced by a boy who stared at her with a cold, emotionless look. Her heart soared and broke all at once. In one breath she had found him, but the look on his face told her he was far from himself. Why are you here? "Sky?" her voice broke.

Kedar smiled a cruel smile as Vale pulled her eyes from Sky. "He's come home." 

Lightning Bringer: (Lighting Seeker Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now