When you think of him/Realization

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She had been practicing the same cheer for over an hour but couldn't quite grasp it. Her head and heart just weren't in it. She couldn't stop thinking of Leo. His perfect smile and how focused he gets in his training. Not to mention how cute he gets when he watches Space Heroes. She was laying in her bed when she was hit with a sudden realization. "I love Leo..."


She stormed into her room, having just gotten into a fight with her mother. Her mother was trying to make her quit her music to follow a more productive and traditional path. She found herself wishing that Raph was with her. She found his company comforting and comical. The way he pretended to be super tough and uncaring when he was really just a big sweetheart made her giggle (never out loud, of course). His being hot was just a bonus! Wait! What?! Hot?! Why would I think that?! Unless... "I love Raph."


She had finally gotten Lily to sleep and was now working on cleaning her wounds. Her dad had come home angry and took it out on her. She was just thankful that he hadn't gotten to Lily. She pulled out the cleaning solution that Donnie had given her when they first met and couldn't fight the smile that spread onto her face. He was such a sweetheart. Incredibly intelligent, too. She always found it adorable when he started going on about something he was working on or the way he stuck out his tongue when he was focused on one of his experiments. She then realized just how much she thought about the gap-toothed turtle. She looked at her broken and battered face when she came to a terrifying realization. She loves Donnie.


She was home alone again so she decided to blare music and do some drawing. As her pencil started moving across her mind, her mind began to wander to Mikey. To his bubbly personality and that adorably infectious laugh. It was nice to have someone that very obviously cared for her. It was only while she was looking at a finished, detailed drawing of the hyperactive turtle that she made her realization. She loves Mikey.

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