End of school

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Harry's POV

It had been a couple of weeks since Sirius died and people were going back to normal ish and accepting the fact that Voldemort was back but Y/N was still the same she had been on the day he got killed. She still had her grey hair and eyes and her skin was still as pale as snow, she had hardly talked the past couple of weeks or smiled or shown any emotion the only interaction I got was when I was holding her hand and she would gently squeeze it or when she was crying and me, Hermione and Ron comforted her

Her grades started to fall aswell, if I hadn't known her for two years i wouldn't even recognise her, she had been ignoring owls from lupin, tonks, the twins and molly and the only emotion she had shown was fear when molly sent her a howler scolding her for not answering to which she flipped the Howler off and wrote a short letter as everyone was scared of molly and she knew better than to still not respond

Lupin had been taking it hard too, he lost another one of his best friends that would always help him at school and make him laugh all the time, he was so happy when we found out Sirius was innocent he finally had a friend back someone who understood him, and now that was gone again all he had left was a traitor that was his friend, and he often watched a moving photo of all the boys running from a explosion in the background

Hermione as sad for me and Y/N but stayed strong for everyone but everyone knew she was scared of what was to come in the future.

Ron tried to help me and Y/N by making us laugh but he couldn't believe Sirius was dead either and he knew a war was coming our way .

I had taken it hard too, not nearly as hard Y/N though. I had just gained back some family that loved me and once again it had been ripped away from me before I could get used to it. Sirius knew there was going to be a war and tried his best to help everyone in the order without being sent back to Azkaban. He wanted me,Y/N and him to be a family, for us to be happy, he wanted to watch us grow up and make up for lost time but he now couldn't. He loved me. A lot of his time was spent in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit , without a trial and I knew he felt guilty about it as he had not been there for me, and every night in his sleep he would murmur ' I'm sorry James, this is my fault' he never got over the guilt. But at-least he was with his best friend again, well actually his brother.

And that was it, the school year was over and we were on the train back to the platform with Y/N in the corner with her head leaning on the walls as she slept while me, Hermione and Ron talked

Once we got there I woke Y/N up and told her we were here in which she just nodded before getting up, but as soon as she saw lupin she dropped all her bags and ran into his arms and started crying as did he while he picked her up off the ground slightly, I smiled at the sight before turning to my friends.

"We have something Voldemort doesn't" I say looking back at Y/N who was smiling for the first time in weeks

"What's that mate" Ron said also smiling at the sight

"Something worth fighting for" I finished as Y/N looked at me smiled as she waved slightly before catching up with lupin

My friends nodded before going off to their family's and waving me goodbye

She was going to be worth it in the end

And with that order of the Phoenix is done along with this book, and half-blood Prince will be in the second oneee

Thank you all for reading and leaving comments I love reading em I hope you enjoyed this, and as I re read the first few chapters, I too cringe so sooooo sorry about that but if you've made it this far ayyy, thank you oh and schools going back and I'm not mentally ready like help, I don't wanna see anyone


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