Hogwarts express

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After the World Cup , we were all scared at first but we did go back to a semi-normal , and now it was time for the Hogwarts express. We found a compartment that was free after a while and we all got seated, I sat next to Harry with my head on his shoulder and my legs up on the seat beside me , Hermione and Ron just sat next to each other. We all talked about random things until the trolley came round
"Anything from the trolly dearies" Ron got up first and grabbed some Bertie bots, when Hermione got up cho Chang came to our compartment to buy food
"You two are close aren't you?" She asked with a face full of jealousy I sighed and sat up right , and just went to
buy for me and Harry when she whispered so I could hear
"He's using you" I grabbed the food payed and sat back down giving a chocolate frog to all of them and Harry his favourite sweets he said thank you and we ate while talking
"What's that pretty necklace that's glowing f/c?" Hermione asked
"Harry got it for me" I said and handed her the note that explained it
"Awww that's so cute!" She said handing the note back
I was happy it was glowing f/c that means he was thinking of me too
I laid down across the seat with my head on Harry's lap he started stroking my hair and I fell asleep as I didn't sleep much last night.

"Y/N" Harry whispered still stoking my hair
"It's time to go now love". I smiled at the name and sat up while we were walking I linked arms with Hermione and we talked the whole way
"We should have a just us night" Hermione suggested
"I've been thinking the same , I've got some ideas" I said and she smiled widely
Once we arrived we unlinked arms to sit down but I sat down next to her and we giggled about boys that might like her . Dumbledore stared

"Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has this year been extended to include Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. The full list comprises some four hundred and thirty-seven items, I believe, and can be viewed in Mr. Filch's office, if anybody would like to check it."
He paused

"May I introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?"said Dumbledore brightly into the silence. "Professor Moody"
Ron was seemingly very but I whispered to Hermione
"How long do you reckon he'll last?"
"He's an ex aura so two years" she relied confidently "what about you?"
"A year" I whispered back looking at mad eye

"As I was saying,"he said, smiling at the sea of students before him, all of whom were still gazing transfixed at Mad-Eye Moody, "we are to have the honor of hosting a very exciting event over the coming months, an event that has not been held for over a century. It is my very great pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year." He continued
" You're JOKING"Ron said rather loudly causing everyone to look at him
"I am not Mr.Weasley" this made Ron go red and sit down
Wow the Tri-Wizard tournament how cool is that?
He carried on his speech about how you must be 17 or older which made the twins mad and shout things.
And made me and Hermione laugh
We all walked back to the common room when we heard a shout
"Bunny!" I hear Cedric yell
We turned around to see a panting Cedric trying to catch his breath
"I-I- hold on a minute" he managed to get out breathing heavily, I chuckled at him , after a minute he talked properly
"I'm going to enter" he said looking at me
"Okay Ced, but please don't get hurt I don't know what I'd do without my BGF!" I gave him a worried look before hugging him
"I won't , I promise" he whispered in my ear , he made small talk with everyone before leaving and saying good night, I waved him goodbye before we all walked to the common room Hermione, Ron and Harry all sat down but I said I'd go talk to the twins for a second
"Hey weirdos" I said sitting between them
"Hey lil prankster" Fred said looking down
"What's up with you guys?" I asked knowing the answer
"We anted to be in the tournament" George said duly before both their heads shot up
Oh no
"Hey little prankster" Fred started
"Did we ever tell you how much we love you?" George finished
I shook my head
"Well we do...."
"So.... can you make us an ageing potion" I sighed but agreed I the end saying I'd do it tonight , they smiled and I waved them off before walking back to Hermione Ron and Harry sitting myself in the spot next to Harry while staring conversation with Hermione , Harry put his arm around me while still talking to Ron and I was still chatting away with Hermione, we were planning our girls night for the day the champions were picked so they were busy with a party , and we could sneak away, I agreed that it was a good idea and I told her some plans I had and what to bring , she looked very excited and I was too I and never really had a best friend since Ricky , I normally kept to myself and Hermione said she never had a girl best friend to which I was shocked, Hermione ended up reading and falling asleep so I joined In the boys talk,
"Hey y/n?" Ron asked making me go hm in response looking at him
"What uh, was your life before Hogwarts and us" he aid flicking his hair dramatically at the end
I laughed and responded
"Kinda okay , I loved lupin and we've always been close, the first two years of my life I spent with the marauders and them teaching me how to be an animagi and letting me put messages on the map , they also did a lot of cooking with me and I got them all a mess, I have a ring here that shows me all their memories and all of mine of them whenever I say I solemnly swear that I was never up to any good, they took me places all the time and messed around with me, when you-know-who killed your dad everything went down hill as you know I was devastated I lost my family but lupin adopted me and o just did everything with him and that's basically  my life"
I shrugged but they looked shocked,  it long after we went to bed and I slept quickly

Word count: 1165

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