The yule ball annoncement

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"The yule ball has been a tradition of the tri-wizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas eve night we and our guests gather in the great hall for well mannered frivolity. As representitives of the host school I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally because the yule ball is first and foremost...a dance." Mcgonagall said
ALL at boys groaned while the girls started squealing and talking to each other where as I just sat there along with Hermione.
"Silence. The house of Godrick Griffindore has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboon" she commanded
I looked over at Fred and George and when they saw me they mouthed
"Try saying that five times faster" and I did making me and them laugh
"Miss Y/N and Mr Weasley would you please join me up here" she said changing her gaze between us
I gulped and stepped up and faced Ron and he just smiled awkwardly
"Put your hand in her waist"
"My what?" And "her what?" Came out of me and Ron's mouth as we snapped our attention to her
"Her waist Mr Wesley" she repeated
Reluctantly he took my waist
"Take his hand"
And I did and then music cam in and we were forced to waltz with each other, we were both terrible and melt messing up until we both stepped on each other's foot looked down and ended up hitting heads causing us both to start laughing loudly and we stopped dancing , to try to quiet down my laughter i out my head in his chest and he just out his head on my hair, after a hit five seconds my hair turned purple because I was playful and anyone I looked at I could make laugh
"Hey y/n" Ron said still having his head in my hair
"Look at filch and make him laugh"
And I did and he started laughing so hard when McGonagall noticed it was me she scolded me and asked me to make it stop and I did hesitatingly I came off from Ron's chest and she told us to dance again and we did, we really tried but it was horrific everyone started laughing and I dint blame them, she then called everyone up to dance and me and Ron a started to get a hang of it
"Do you think we should help Harry?" He asked and I looked over to see Hermione shouting at him and hitting him
"No ronald, what fun would that be?" And we started laughing again, then McGonagall thought it would be fun to teach us lifts and asked Ron to put both hands in my waist he did, when I looked at Harry he looked as jealous as ever, it was quite funny, McGonagall was trying to help him and I just said
"If you want I can just morph into a mouse and then I'll be easy to lift" McGonagall looked at me and Ron just said
"Yes please"
I laughed at him and turned into a small mouse and Ron bent down and picked me up
"There I lifted her" he said
"That's because she's a metamorphimagus and helped you!" Hermione said
"I still picked her up tho" he replied looking at m in his hands
He put me down and I morphed into a Ron and mimicked all his actions for fun before McGonagall came back over and I changed back to myself. Me and Ron just talked the whole way through dance practice and when it was over we caught up with Hermione and Harry who had gotten out before us and McGonagall was scolding us for being silly

It had been days and Harry still hadn't asked me to the Yule ball, did he not want to go with me?

Harry's p.o.v

"Why do they always have to travel in packs? How are you supposed to get one alone to ask them..." I said to Ron
"Yeah, not that you have to worry mate you have Y/N and I assume you asked her"
I stayed silent, I hadn't asked her yes as I thought she'd say no , I don't think she'd want to dance In front of everyone just because I'm a champion
"You haven't?!?!" He whispered shouted
I stayed silent
"Honesty mate you should do that"

I decided that I would but I went to get somthing from my room quickly it was a little ring with a dolphin on it as that was her favourite, I was going to give it to her later but decided now would be a good time

"Y/N, Y/N" I said slightly out of breath once finding her in the library
"Yes Harold" she said putting away books
"Here I got you this" I said handing her the box
"Thanks" she didn't open it
"Open ittttttt" i said lightly nudging her
And she did, I saw her eyes glow pink as she read the note, where I said I loved her and asked her to the ball
"Yes of course I'll go to the ball with you!" She said "what bloody took you so long?" She started to sound a bit angry with the last bit and I noticed her hair getting red
"I thought you'd say no" I like down and the floor
"No no it's okay , I know my hairs red but I'm not mad at you" she said making me look up
"Who are you mad at?"  I asked
"Well I've been asked by 20 guys from all schools to the ball and I was talking with Cedric while I was helping him plan how he was going to ask cho, when she came up to us and slapped me of course Cedric retaliated and grabbed his want and asked what the hell was that for and cho replied she's a brat , first she talked Harry from me and now you, she deserve what she got and she walked way but handed me a note, once she was gone Cedric put a no pain charm in me and said he was sorry and gave me a side hug, I smiled at him and opened the note and my smile did along with Cedrics , she somehow knew about Ricky and brang it up and just said I was getting used for my powers with you three Cedric Fluer and all my friends and I should be friends with someone my level like mr filch Cedric stormed off to find her and I came here" she said looking down sadly as her hair changed from red to blue
" oh, I'm sorry baby, it's okay" as I said that I pulled her into a hug
And couldn't help but think how she knew about Ricky

Your POV

It was the next day and me, Harry, Hermione and Ron were eating when we read the daily prophet

      Y/n is a killer?

Ricky Moore died age 11 for unknown reasons until now, sources say y/n killed him one night when her powers were just to much!
Cho- Chang a Ravenclaw student reports
'Well it's no surprise she's a killer ,I mean both her parents are'
It is also reported she is dating the chosen one, Harry Potter, but was seen with Cedric diggory
Draco Malfoy a Slytherin student comments on the issue and being a whiteness
"Her and Potter are dating, I've seen them kiss, but her and diggory are awfully close for 'friends' I believe there more as I see them always together"

I put the profit down
"Harry , you know me and Cedric are just friend right?"  He nodded but seemed mad
"Are you okay?"
"I'm just mad at Malfoy and Chang, not you I swear" he kissed my cheek and war back to eating

We were all in Snapes class and I was almost done with my paper along with Hermione
"This is mad. At this rate I will  be the only ones in our year without a date" he whispered to us four
"Well me and Neville" he added
"Nile Nevilles got a date" I said
He groaned
"Now I'm depressed" he swaps going to carry on but Snape slapped me, Ron and Harry with a book over the head
Fred passed Ron a note, and it read "GET A MOVE ON OR ALL THE GOODONES WILL HAVE GONE!".
He asked who he was taking and he quickly asked Angela giving Ron an answer
"Hermione you're a girl" he started I signalled for him to stop as I knew this would end badly and Harry must've caught on to where this was going and started slapping his arm
"Well spotted" she reasoned not taking her eyes of her paper
" Come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl it's just sad." I sighed and face placed and Harry put his head in his hands
"I won't be going alone because believe it or not someone's asked me." She got up handed in her paper came back and said
"And I said yes" before storming off they boys agree talking and I finished my paper I saw same roll up his sleeves and I think the whole table knew where this was going
He grabbed the boys heads and dunked them down I chucked before giving my paper in
"Your a right foul got, you know that" I said to Ron before ruffling Harry's hair and leaning
I eventually found Hermione sobbing on the bed
"Awe mionie it's okay, you're gonna be beautiful" she nodded and I hugged her

The Yule ball was tomorrow

His chosen one  ✌Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang