The grim

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Me, Ron and Harry are all walking to our first-class Divination apparently it's in an attic so this should be fun. We ended up getting lost I don't know why but a painting offers to help us sir cadagon or something like that, but he helps us to our class or as he calls it a 'quest' I mean whatever floats your boat. When we arrive there's a lady she has rather messy hair and weird glasses and she just tells us to take a seat

"Welcome, my children. In this room, you shall explore the noble art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover if you possess the Sight. Hello. I am Professor Trelawney. Together we shall cast ourselves into the future. This term, we'll focus on Tasseomancy, the art of reading tea leaves. So please, take the cup of the person sitting opposite you. What do you see? The truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be read. But first, you must broaden your minds. First, you must look beyond."
She says everyone looks quite confused and I think I do too.
"What a load of rubbish," Hermione says
Wait, Hermione? When did she get here  I thought
"Where did you come from?" Ron asks taking the words out of my mind
"Me? I've been here the whole time" she replies quite quickly
I look around at the boys and they just shrug, I guess we were just tired
We all drink our tea and I give my cup to Hermione while the boys swap too
" okay well this looks a bit like an angel, and that's good fortune in loveeeeeee oOoOoO" she says
Thy boys look at me and wink 
"Okay well you have a cat which is difficulty with teaching," I say quite proud of myself
Then it's the boys' turn
But this time Trelawny's there. Ugh!
" Oh, yeah. Um...Well, Harry's got sort of a wonky cross. That's trials and suffering. And that there could be the sun and that's happiness. So... you're gonna suffer, but you're gonna be... happy about it." 

To this Hermione just giggles a bit but up I'm holding my mouth so I don't laugh, and by the looks of it so is Harry. Then she takes the cup
"Give me the cup. Oh, my dear boy. My dear... you have the Grim." She says stepping back Harry looks alarmed and I quickly find the definition
"What's the grin?" Seamus asks
"Not the grin the grim you idiot" I reply
"Taking the form of a giant spectral dog. It's among the darkest omens in our world. It's an omen... of death". I say
Hermione says
"Well maybe it's not the grim Ronald, you said it kind of looked like a sheep a minute ago.":
"From here it looks like a donkey," Seamus says from behind us
Lots of people say what it looks like and tilt their heads

"When you've all done decided if I'm gonna die or not" he eventually snaps
Everyone falls silent and he's the first to leave 

After five we all leave and find harry to go to our next class 
We walk into transfiguration and I sit next to Harry, the whole class is quite dull
"What's wrong with you all today, that's the first time I haven't got a round of applause," she says looking at us all
"We just had divination," lavender says looking at Harry
"Right, which one of you is dying this time?" She asks to sigh
"Me" Harry eventually says
" Well she's predicted a death every year since she got here, thinks it's a good way to greet a new class, I can assure you none of them are dead," she says and carries on with the lesson
I see Harry give a faint smile
I end up messing g around the whole lesson with him, and pulling quick little pranks on her, she looks quite fed up, but it also looks like I bring  back memories
"Y/N," Harry says while laughing
"Hm?" I reply only just claiming down
"Are you going to Hogsmeade?" He asks
"I don't think so, my dad never got a form, are you?"
"No, I was just thinking I'd way rather have you there than be alone," he says starting to giggle as I do the same
All four of us are walking to our next lesson care of magical creatures and Ron starts talking

"You don't think that Grim thing's got anything to do with Sirius Black?" Mentally I facepalm

"Oh, honestly, Ron. If you ask me, Divination's a woolly discipline. Now, Ancient Runes, that's a fascinating subject." Hermione replies to which I look confused

"Exactly how many classes are you taking?" Dear Ronald ask

" a fair few" she replies calmly

"Wait that's not possible, you'd have to be at two places at once"
" honestly Ronald that's not possible don't be silly" and with that, she starts mocking Trelawny

We all walk down into a field with a hippogriff in but I don't think anyone else knows what it is judging by the looks on their faces
"Right, you lot. Less chattering. Form a group over there. And open your books to page 49." Hagrid says
" And exactly how do we do that," Malfoy asks and for once I'm in agreement with him
"Stroke the spine of course," Hagrid says in a duh tone
"Oh yea why didn't we think of that" Malfoy says sarcastically
" I think they're funny," Hermione says defending Hagrid
"Oh, yeah. Terribly funny.Really Witty. God, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until Father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes." He says to which I glare at him
"Shut up, Malfoy " Harry starts
All the Slytherins make oOoOoO sounds until Malfoy screams
"Dementor , dementor"
Causing Harry to look around frightened
Hermione is about to say somthing but Draco calls her a filthy little mud blood and told her to shut up
Hermione pulls him back , but I step forward with my wand
" I'm sorry I don't see where she ordered a glass of your opinion," I say
"Oh you can shut up to"she replies quickly
"No thanks, but in what chapter do you shut up, I'd like to skip to there please." I snap back
"Well at least I have friends unlike you, they're only using you Gryffindor"
" Even if I didn't, better for me, I don't have to deal with assholes like you!" I clap back
"They're fake, trust me," he says
" what's it like being able to speak other languages Malfoy?" I ask which puzzles him
" ya know what English and you're fluent in bullshit and lies," I say which shuts him up he steps away and I return to Harry and Hermione along with Ron he says that was amazing and I smile 

Then he brings out the hippogriff

Aaa thank you for reading

Words 1246

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