The Hogwarts express

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Aaaaah, I can't believe I'm finally going to Hogwarts, I've only waited three years, now I know I'm only allowed because dads teaching them but that doesn't matter that just means I have to thank Dumbledore a ton.

"Y/N" Dad called
okay okay, relax it's only a school chille
I bolted down those stairs, then me being myself realised I had forgotten my bloody bags so, in the realisation I bolted back up those stairs and eventually walked down with the bags I had dumbly forgotten.

-time skip to on the train-

I was sitting on the seat of the train, which was surprisingly comfortable I saw many people pass and just look at me strangely, I mean I get it, I am a random girl with no uniform sat by myself on a train with a professor, seems weird. Understandable. Well that was until three people decided they had to sit in here, one had the most b emerald eyes I've ever seen along with his jet back hair, which was rather messy, another boy had ginger hair this time with freckles speckled around his face and the last was a girl she was quite pretty but had messy, bushy hair, she gave me a warm smile, which I returned, and asked if they could sit to which I nodded. Then she introduced herself

" Hi, I'm Hermione granger lovely to meet you" the girl I now know as Hermione said
" I'm Ron Weasley," the freckled boy said
" oh yeah, I'm Harry Potter," the emerald-eyed boy said a little hesitantly
" Wonderful to meet you I'm Y/N Gryffindor"
At first, they all seemed surprised, then they relaxed I guess they might've heard something about me. That's doesn't bother me, not anymore at least.
" I'm sorry but can I ask you two things?" Ron asked with a bit of an awkward face
"Of course, you don't need to ask" I replied with a smile
I noticed Harry staring at me, I pretend not to see to be polite but I think I went a bit red.

"Okay, who the hell is that?" Ron said pointing to my dad, earning an elbow in the side of his ribs from Hermione, I liked her
" that's my dad, he's going to be a professor here it's the only reason I'm allowed here, his name is Remus Lupin I think he's teaching defence against the dark arts this year," I replied, Hermione, said thank you and Ron moved on to his next question.
"Can you just step outside I think Harry wanted to talk to us alone?" He said that last bit holding a bit of a grudge earning a kick from Hermione in the shin
I started to leave to be respectful but Hermione had asked me to stay which I accepted
Hermione beamed and so did Harry, Ron looked happy and shot me a smile.

Harry told everyone about Sirius black escaping to kill him, I felt awful for him we all tried to make him feel better
" But they'll catch black won't they?" I said sympathetically
"I mean everyone's looking for him" Hermione added
" Sure, Except no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before... and he's murderous, raving lunatic," Ron said this time he got a kick from me and Hermione
"Ouch" to which I and Hermione just giggled
"Thanks, Ron," Harry said sarcastically
-train stopped with a shudder
" Why are we stopping," Hermione said slightly worried
"We can't be there yet" I finished.
Ron put his face up against the window and watched everything freeze
Suddenly everything went cold we turned to see my dads drink freeze in the glass I looked at Harry and he just shrugged
" Ouch Ron, that was my foot" Hermione gasped but I told her to be quiet
" someone's coming aboard" I whispered to the four of them

Black tall cloaked figures climbed aboard on each end. Dementors.
I instantly knew. I told everyone to stay still and silent. When a dementor came up to our door I pulled out my wand and confront them.
"Oi, none of us have Sirius Black under our cloaks, move along"
The dementors didn't move
" move along" this time I said it through gritted teeth
No movement
"Okay fine "
All three of them looked at me, they looked like the confundes charm had just been used on them
I sighed I thought of lupin adopting me
While I was doing that I hadn't notice it was attacking Harry as soon as I realised it I said
" Expecto patronum"
A white whisp was sent out of my wand no animal, I wasn't that advanced
The dementor shot back and left the compartment
"W-what was t-that" Ron managed to spit out I was about to answer but Hermione had that covered
While Hermione was explaining the spell I used I grabbed some chocolate from my bag and shook Harry lightly when he came around I gave him his glasses and told him to eat the chocolate, he did but hesitantly
"What happened to me?" He asked weakly
"Well, you sort of went rigid. We thought maybe you were having a fit or something." Ron answered
" and did any of you ya know.." he asked
"No, but I felt I'd never be happy again" Ron once again answered me and Hermione just nodded
"And a woman screamed?" He asked again
"No one was screaming Harry" I answered wearily
" if Y/N hadn't saved you, y-you would've had the dementors kiss..... Before you ask Ronald the dementors kiss is where you have your soul sucked out of you, You don't die, your just skin no life no memory, just a shell" Hermione answered shivering at the last bit.
"Thank you Y/N," Harry said
"No problem, I'm just glad you're okay"
Dad woke up and I explained what happened, he said he was going to talk to the driver and told Harry he was brave like his dad only with his mother's eyes
" Your dad knew my parents?" He said a bit puzzled
"Of course, they were the best of friends, you won't remember, and neither did I but according to my dad we used to be friends," I said holding up a picture of us before Harry had his scar

Aha, thank you for reading :) if you have any suggestions or I made any mistakes please feel free to tell me

Have a good day/nightyall deserve it
Also, why don't we get to know each other a bit? Here are some questions
1) what house are you in?
2) who is your favourite character?
3) who is your least favourite character? And why?
4) what would your second house be?
5) what's your favourite spell?
Thank you baiiii

Word count: 1204

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