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I was walking with Cedric and Fluer to the champions tent, I sat in a bench in the middle running up to Harry and hugging him once he entered
This made Fluer and Cedric smile and make ooooo sounds when I looked at them
Fluer felt like a big sister to me so she pulled Harry a side and when he came back he looked quite scared I laughed at his face before me , Cedric, Fluer and Harry all started to peach other, and when victor showed up even he joined in the joking
One thing I loved about the Tri-Wizard championship was the new friends you get to meet, it's all worth it
Harry and the rest of them soon started pacing, I started calming them down one by one starting with Cedric
"Oi Ceddy, there's not a thing that you've wanted that you didn't get, You're do great" i said rubbing his back, he looked up at me and smiled
"Bunny?" He said taking my hands
"Yeas?" I said looking at him
"You still wear our friendship brackets we made when we were 7?" He asked
I nodded and chuckled
"Me too" he said pulling out his arm I pulled him into a hug and then saw Hermione hugging Harry
Then Rita skeeter came in and took photos of me and Cedric hugging and Harry and Hermione hugging , we both pulled away from the boys, and glared at her
"Ah, young love how cute" she aid walking up to me and tilted it up
I saw Harry get angry and scoff
I shook my head gently to say no as he still dint want to risk it by telling anyone we were dating
"If anything unfortunate happens today, you guys should make the front cover!" She said with a laugh
But Viktor stepped forward
"This tent is for champions- And" he paused looking at me and Hermione "Friends" he finished
I looked at him and smiled and Rita let go of my face and walked away
Dumbledore entered with a bag and the minister of magic with a bag
"Now champions" he stated before looking at me and Hermione "Granger, Black? What are you two doing here"
"I'm sorry professor well just leave" I answered wishing everyone good luck and pulling Hermione out if the tent
"I'm so scared, for all of them" she said with a worried look as we sat next to Ron, I looked down and the stadium
"Yeah me too"
Everyone else had battled their dragons well and I cheered loudly for all of them even Krum which made them all look at me laugh and smile. But when it was Harry's turn I was exceptionally nervous and grabbed Hermiones arm for comfort
"It will be okay lil prankster" George said leaning down to me
"And I'm sure the dragon will have good dinner if all goes wrong" Fred added making me, Hermione, Ron and George to slap his arm but chuckle at the same time, both twins ruffled my hair before sitting down
Harry enters the rocky arena. The crowd are cheering his name.He sees the golden egg sitting alone, he makes a run for it butthe dragon appears. He's  forced to retreat behind a rock as the dragon flames him. Harry stumbles and falls around the arena.
Me and Hermione gasped and I tightened my grip on her arm her doing the same
"YOUR WAND HARRY!" I shouted
"YOUR WAND" Hermione added to make sure he heard us over the crowd of cheering people
It seemed like he heard us as he shouted
"Accio, Firebolt" before he stumbled back behind a rock waiting for his broom and the dragon shot flames  at him again
He jumped on his broom and left the arena causing everyone to exchange nervous looks

3rd person p.o.v

Harry is flying at high speed around the Hogwarts buildings.The dragon cuts him off and whips him off his broom, he lands on the roof of Hogwarts, hanging on for dear life. The dragon is clambering across the roof, strewing tiles as it goes. Harry reaches his broom but it's stuck. He jerks it loose and lets go of the roof just in time before the dragon swipes at him.He falls a long way but regains control. He flies on to an area with a bridge, he flies through a gap in the bridge but the dragon.crashes into it and falls into the water.

Your p.o.v

Harry flew back into the arena and grabbed the egg, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and everyone ran to where Harry was

"We knew you could do it Harry!" George said
"Never loose an arm" Fred added
"Or a leg!"
"Or pack it In all together, NEVER!" The said together
Everyone even Harry let out a little laugh before Seamus came up with the egg
"Open it Harry" Seamus said kidding the egg and handing it to Harry
He took it reluctantly
"Shall I open it?" He cheers
"YES" everyone said back
"Shall I?"
He chuckled and opened the egg, and it let out a horrible screaming noise making everyone cover their ears and causing the twins to drop Harry, after that Ron walked in
"Alright go back to your sewing" Fred started
"Yeah this is gonna be awkward enough" George added
"Even without you nosey sods listing" I finished smirking at the twins and we all sat down, starting conversation beyond ourselfs before Hermione let out a soft
"Boys" I sighed once she said that and walked over to all three of them and pulled them into a group hug
Once everyone left I hugged Harry and kissed him in the cheek
"Well Done" I whispered
"Well thanks to you teaching me the spell, it was mostly you, I was just a person to present your work" with those words I smiled
"I love you Har"
"I love you too Pup"

The next day me, Ron, Hermione and Harry were all sat down Ron eating talking to Harry and me and Hermione riding the daily profit. Then Hermione snapped the boys attention to us by saying
"Look at this!I can't believe it she's done it again.Miss Granger a plain but ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey sources report is none other than the Bulgarian bon-bon Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Harry Potter's taking this latest emotional blow. And y/n black is reportedly dating Harry but may have taken and interest in the young and handsome Cedric diggory" she angrily put the newspaper down and i huffed
"Please Harry can we tell people we're dating I'm sick of stuff exactly like this!"
"Okay okay , fine fine we can just calm down your hairs going red" he said I like at my hair but couldn't be bothered to fix it, we continued talking while Harry was now holding my hand when a young boy came up to us
"Ron you have some post, here" he said looking at Harry
"Thanks Nigel.....now go ....... go on later" once the boy walked away Hermione shot him glares along with curios looks from me
"I told him I'd get him Harry's signature" he said before opening the box
An ugly suit, he picked it up and saying
"Ginny mum sent you these" as he walked over to Ginny she laughed
"I'm not wearing that it's ghastly" she responded before going back to eating
Me and Hermione laughed
"They're not for Ginny" Hermione said
"They're for you!" I finished laughing
"What why would I need dress robes"

Word count: 1284

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