Quidditch world cup

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We all walked about half way through Harry offered me a piggy back ride , and you know I accepted we came to a stop and I jumped off and walked to the front with Fred and George. Then I saw the person that had been my best friend for 10 years
"Ced?" I asked
"Bunny?" He asked bunny was his nickname for me as there was a time I was obsessed with bunny. Once k owing it was him I ran up to him and embraced him in a tight hug , he hugged me back of course smiling
"I've missed you so much ced!" I said leading away from the hug
"I've missed you too, since when we're you at Hogwarts though"
"Since last year, dad finally let me"
"Why didn't you say hi?" He asked
"Well you're two years older I thought you  wouldn't want to talk to me"
"I always want to talk to you , you're amazing" I smiled at his comment I glanced over to see Harry looking mad Ron trying to snap Harry out of it , Ginny and Hermione looking shocked with their jaws open and Fred and George glaring at Cedric
"Oh since I was young to visit you before school anyway , here's your birthday gift" he said grabbing a small box
I opened it to see two earrings shaped like starts he told me to look on the back and when I did it had C+B= BGF
BGF was me and Cedric name for our friendship Best Godric of Friends I smiled and put them on
"Thanks ced!" After that I walked back to the girls , while Cedric introduced himself to everyone else
"You know him?" Hermione asked as we walked up a hill
"Since I was 4" i replied he's my neighbour
Ginny looked like someone just murdered in front of her
Once we got to the top of the hiss there was a manky old boot
"Port key?" I asked and the adults nodded
"Everyone hold on" Mr Weasley shouted everyone but Harry did
"3" "2" "1" I grabbed his hand and put it on the boot
"Thank you y/n" he said I smiled at him still holding on the top of his hands
"Let go" Cedric dad said and we did everyone landed on the floor face first expect me , cedric, Mr Weasley and Cedric dad , we just walked down
I ran to Ginny and Hermione and have them both a hand each and pulled them up
Us three then linked armed , I was happy Ginny was staring to like me a bit
We saw the campsite over the hill
After about twenty minutes, a small stone cottage next to a gate swam into view. Beyond it,I could just make out the ghostly shapes of hundreds and hundreds of tents, rising up the gentle slope of a large field toward a dark wood on the horizon. We said good-bye to the Diggory's and continued walking
Wetrudged up the misty field between long rows of tents. Most looked almost ordinary; their owners had clearly tried to make them as Muggle-like as possible, but had slipped up by adding chimneys, or bellpulls, or weather vanes. Halfway up the field stood an extravagant confection of striped silk like a miniature palace, with several live peacocks tethered at the entrance. A little farther on they passed a tent that had three floors and several turrets; and a short way beyond that was a tent that had a front garden attached, complete with birdbath, sundial, and fountain.
"Always the same" Mr Weasley said
Me,Ginny and Hermione chuckled still having our arms linked , I looked at Harry and he smiled at me I said I was going to go to the boys as they look depressed
I waited back and let the boys past without seeing me then I walked up behind them and put my arms around their necks
"Jeez y/n what did I tell you?" Ron said
"Not to jump on people. I did not jump on you two did I?" He scoffed in response they let me in between them
"What up with you two anyways, you look so sad"
"Im jealous of diggory he gets everyone ya know?" Ron said I shook my head
"He didn't get me, Harry did" I answered Ron said good point
"Okay Harry what's up with you?"
" Nothing I just thought you like diggory in a more than friend way" he aid looking down
"Nope , never ever that's gross, and you know I love YOU" I said making him smile
The they both linked arms with me and we talked until we reached our tent
"I-uh Hermione , Y/N could you do the tent , no magic allowed" Mr Weasley asked me and Hermione nodded and I ruffled they boys hair as a bye
I walked over to Hermione
"What had them moody then" she asked
"Jealous of diggory" I answered she nodded
Hermione told me all about her holiday while we were putting up the tent and she told me secrets that I swore not to tell anyone
Once we Calle out we were done Fred and George came over , Harry and Ron were getting water
Fred and George said that was coool and Hermione and George were talking , I was joking with Fred when I saw George and Fred nod at each other. Oh no. I thought this can't be good , Fred wrapped his arm around my waist and picked me up George doing the same to Hermione we both laughed and the twins carried us inside they threw us on our beds nodded at each other again and tickled me and mionie to death, we were all laughing crying we stopped when Mr Weasley called it was time to go they started running and me and Hermione ran after them but we stopped after a while and just walked with Harry and Ron
We were walking up the stairs when Malfoys dad stopped Harry so naturally I stopped too
"Better watch out Potter" he said
Malfoy junior asked how far up we were
"Let's just say they'll be the first to know" Malfoys dad said snickering I pulled out my wand and had it in my hands
"I'm sorry did you hear that guys, all I see is a two ugly ferrets making weird noises" I said this made both Malfoys growl and me but Malfoy junior stepped forward and tried to hex us
"Protego maxima" I said making a bubble go around me, Harry Hermione and the weasleys . Once the charm had finished Malfoys turned away and i hexed Malfoy junior snickering as I left
Mr Weasley thanked me, and we continued walking up. Once we had got to our seats, Ginny came over and squeezed in between Harry and me, I smiled at her , and Harry smiled at me apologetically. When the Veela came out Ron tried to impress them while Hermione Tutted but they didn't effect Harry when he asked Hermione why
"They only effect people that aren't In love with anyone else" she said sighing and looking and Ron sadly , i knew she liked him so that must've been heartbreaking , I patted her shoulder
And Harry winked at me
"I have my eyes on someone" he said , but poor Ginny must've thought he was talking about her and smiled
I was friends with some Veela as I had visited a school with many in , when dad was there for a month. I saw one of my friends Fleur and she must've seen me as she waved , I waved back and cheered
"YES FLUER" she must've heard as she looked at me and smiled

Harrys p.o.v

After the match I noticed y/n had fallen asleep after everyone started walking I picked her up careful not to wake her and carried her to the tent , when we got there I put her in her bed and used magic to put her pjs on , everyone else was the other side of the tent so I tucked her in and kissed her fore head.
" night baby" I whispered and she groaned back in her sleep

Your p.o.v

I was lightly being shamed when I woke up
"Y/N , pleas get up" Hermione was saying
"God finally Harry thought you'd never get up, cmon let's go we need too" she said grabbing my wrists running when we got out I saw everything was being burnt I saw a spell being shot at us with a green light and I cast a shield between us seeing the spell rebound. She dragged me until we were with Harry who hugged me so tight and held me close and he led us to some of the remains of  things , we watched as someone cast the dark mark turning back around Harry pulled me into a deep hug shielding me form anything. Then all of a sudden lost of spells got shot at us
"Protego" I cast making a bubble form around us
The ministry questioned us
"You don't seriously think Harry Potter would cast the dark mark do you?" The ministry looked ashamed and shook their heads letting us go, Mr Wesley told us everyone was at the burrow and I grabbed Harry and Hermione and Ron grabbed Harry and I apparated us there , where within seconds we got bombarded with hugs . Two seconds later someone else had apparated here , moony , he looked like he had been crying, my hair glowed yellow with happiness and he pulled me into a tight hug once he pulled away he held my arms checking for any marks
"I'm okay moony" I said softly
"I was so scared I lost you for second" he kissed my forehead hugged me and had to leave again
That night no one slept well
I got up through the night and saw Harry I walked over to him , when he saw me sit he pulled me into a side hug and booped my nose
"Boop" he said calmly
I smiled we talked for a bit and when I realised the time I said night I went to get up but he pulled me back down and kissed me , I kissed back and put my arms round his neck , but he moved down my neck and started kissing it leaving a mark
"Muffatilo" he cats as he was still missing my neck I did moan a bit but after half an hour we both agreed to go to bed, I kissed him one more time and went to bed with a grin in my face

Aha thank youuuu , I have a few ideas for the next chapter bye all


Word count:1792

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