The Kiss

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"Beautiful day," Hermione said to us
"Yeah unless you've been ripped to pieces" Ron shot back coldly
I tied to stop Harry from asking but him being him didn't catch on this is why he's not a Ravenclaw
"Ripped to pieces?" He asked
"Ronald had lost his rat," Hermione said turning back to us
" I haven't lost anything your cat ate it!" He replied
"You see the way that thing looked at him y/n" I just sighed in response
I nudged Harry after as it was his fault they were now fighting again
We all walked back to the common room and while Hermione and Ron were fighting me and Harry played wizards chess, me winning for the 700th time in a row. It was late when Harry had given up and Hermione and Ron had left a while ago, Harry got up to leave when I stopped him
"Harry," I said rather quick
"We need to go, now" I replied getting up
"What why?"
"Trust me" I grabbed his wrist and dragged him along
We walked down the hall, I had told Harry what I saw and showed him we waited constantly getting shouted at by the paintings until Peter passed and we saw Snape coming this way
"Nox" Harry whispered
"Mischief managed" I whispered
"Y/N trust me with what I'm about to do"
I was going to ask what he was on about, he waited for a bit and then when he could hear Snape kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back
"Lumos" Snape said and when he saw us his face must've been priceless and when he coughed I pulled away
"Out for a midnight...." he didn't know how to say it
He told us to turn out our pockets and I told him the marauders map was just a piece of parchment
"Reveal your secrets" and writing appeared
I remember when I was a kid I put a message in here for if someone tried to open it
'Mr.moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other peoples business
'Mr.prongs agrees with Mr. moony and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git'
'Mr.Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that became a professor'
'Mr.worm tail bids professor Snape a good day and advises him to wash his hair, the slime ball'
'Miss. pup would like to add that snivellus would be safe in a zombie apocalypse as the zombies go for brains, and bids him horrible day'
Harry let out a giggle and I just smiled he was about to say something when lupin walked up to him
"Any problems sn- professor Snape" dad asks
"Yes look at this" he takes the map from my hands "I believe it is full of dark magic"
Dad looks at the map and says
"I believe it is just a piece of parchment that insults whoever tries to read it" he winked at me and asked me and Harry to follow him
He shouted at us telling us not to take shortcuts and go to bed, but I knew he wasn't mad
"Why are you smiling we just got the map taken off us," Harry asked a bit mad
"Harry he's not mad"
"Oh I think he is"
"Well I can tell you for my thing, that is mr moony and I'm miss pup," I told him and he froze
When we got back to the common room he asked me if he could talk to me about the kiss
"Listen, I wasn't doing it just to get us out of trouble, I actually kind of have a crush on you ..... I-I understand that you don't but, I just wanted to tell you....... night!" He said trying to turn around and leave but I grabbed his arm
"Harry, I like you too dumbo" I replied still a bit shocked
"I well" he cleared his throat
"Y/N, would you be my girlfriend," he asked
"Hmmmmm, yes potter". I replied and he smiled
I hugged him and said goodnight I was finally dating Harry Potter after 9 months
I layed down in bed and looked at the roof smiling, ah, I was about to sleep when I thought
Shoot Ginny likes Harry, no no Ginny doesn't like Harry Ginny loves Harry
I assumed there was no good way this would end then I remembered Cho-Chang also liked Harry
This should be fun I thought
Now I was panicking, I in no way needed people to hate me, that as the last thing I would need i drifted to sleep when I neared this coming from the boy's dorms

At this, all the girls sat up and listened but no one left
Silence again
Silence again
Then we all got up and went into the common room
"What the hell is going on?" I asked
"Ron thinks he saw Sirius black trying to kill him" Harry responded
"You can ask sir cadagon if he saw anything!" Ron said

"Sir? Did you let a man in the common room" professor asked
"Why yes of course!" He replied we all looked at him shocked
"Well heard the password, he had the whole weeks on a piece of paper!" He replied again
"Now what person would write down the passwords on paper and lose it?"
Everyone turned and looked at Neville before he slowly raised his hand
We were waiting anxiously in the common room until the professor came back
"He's escaped again" she sighed telling us to go to bed
I shot Harry a worried smile and before going to bed he hugged me saying he'd be okay.
Well this is great isn't it, lupin told me Hogwarts was an adventure but I didn't think he meant a death wish

Aha thanks for reading
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