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"Come in" we heard the toad like lady say, we walked in and took two seats next to each other while Harry was holding my hand under the table
"Good evening Mr.Potter and Miss.Gryffindor"  she said smiling sweetly, in return we both gave her a nod just wanting it to be over with
"Today you will be writing some lines" she continued, we both separated our hands and went to grab our quills
"No no, you will both be using a very special quill of mine" she stated pushing forward two quills
We both took them
"What are we writing?" Harry asked trying not to sound annoyed
"You shall be writing I must not tell lies, and you Miss.Gryffindor will be writing I must not use my powers" she said giggling slightly
"How many times?" I asked fed up
"Let's just say, until the message sinks in"
We both sighed and started writing
I must not use my powers
I wrote but once I did, I felt a burning sensation in my hand when I looked at it I saw my line being written on my hand in cuts, I let out a whimper in pain which clearly gave umbitch joy but made Harry grow with anger. It felt like I was being stabbed 1000 times in my hand, once it was done I started at it watching the blood slowly drip out of the letters
I watched her while a smile grew on her face looking at me and Harry's hand
"You may go" she said her smile growing bigger

Harry stormed out and I followed behind
"Are you okay?" He asked me stopping in his tacks in front of me
"I'm fine, give me your hand" I said
He lifted up his hand
"Episkey" I whispered pointing my wand at his hand, it healed his hand slightly so it wasn't bleeding
Then I grabbed a potion out of my cloak
"This might sting" I said to him pouting it in his had, which made the cut seal so it was like a scar now
"Now let me do you" he sis grabbing my hand, I let him heal me and winced when he put on the potion
"I'm so sorry love" he said
"It's okay, isn't your fault" I said putting the potion away he kissed me softly and only pulled away when he needed air, which when he did he had a massive grin on his face making me chuckle
"I love you, now let's get going before Hermione and Ron hex us into next year" he said laughing at himself
"Love you too, bold of you to assume she wouldn't hex us into our next life's" I said talking his hand and running slightly to the common room
"Where have you two been?!?!" Hermione asked slightly worried but mostly angry
"Sorry" we muttered looking down
"What's wrong with your hand?" She asked us looking at our holding hands
"Nothing" Harry said showing the other hand
"No no other hand, Ronald get Y/Ns hand" she said walking over with Ron
And Ron did exactly that he took my hand at started at it and then pulled me into a hug, when he let go he kept his arm around me, unfortunately Harry didn't have it so easy
"You've got to tell Dumbledore." She aid still holding his hand
"No Dumbledore has got enough in his late right now" she shot back
"Harry! The woman tortured you both!" She snapped shoving his hand down

Harry and me wrote so Siruis

Dear Padfoot... I hope you're all right.
It's starting to get colder here.
Winter is definitely on the way.
In spite of being back at Hogwarts, I feel more alone than ever.
I know you, of all people, will understand.
Hi dad it's getting worse here, detention is horrible as long as the whole atmosphere
How's the order
How are you and how's Remus? Did he ask tonks out yet? If he has you owe me 5 sickles and you know it!
Oh tell Remus I said hi and if he doesn't ask out tonks I'll hex em
Lots of love Y/N and Harry xxx

We read it over and sent it and walked down to the forest only to find Luna
"LUNA!" I called ambushing the girl in a big making Harry and her chuckle
"Hello Y/N" she replied after the hug
"What are those things?" Harry asked
"Thestrals" I replied
"You can only see them when you've witnessed death" Luna added in her sweet tone
"You two have seen death?" He asked slightly shocked
"Yes, we both saw my mother die as she was experimenting while Y/N was round" Luna said looking down causing me to lay her shoulder
"Oh I'm sorry"
"But Y/N had seen them before" she added
"My mum, died after she tried to kill me, ministry did it" I replied wanting to move on but Harry just hugged me
"They're beautiful aren't they?" Luna said and me and Harry nodded in response
"Where are your shoes?" Harry asked
"Missing I suspect the nargles  are behind it" she said her mind wondering

Me and Harry's net back to the castle and sat on the sofa my head in his chest laying between his legs, I stated to drift off and he placed a kiss on my forehead and went pack to playing with my hair
"I love you" he whispered
"I love you too" I whispered back before drifting off

His chosen one  ✌Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon