Its all coming together

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It was late at night in the gryffindor common room and just like most nights me, Harry, Ron and Hermione were all sat doing our own things

I was looking at the marauders map and planning pranks for me, Fred and George

Hermione was reading

Ron and Harry were talking about somthing

"Hey Y/N?" Ron said
"Ronald" i replied looking away from the map
"Uhm, What's were the marauders like?"
I look a bit taken back but reply
" Well I remember the two years I had with them as they cast a charm so I couldn't forget, they played pranks on each other a lot and used me as a defence to get out of trouble, we did cooking a lot and I made a mess by shoving the ingredients at their faces and making my hair change a rainbow of colours, They were amazing friends" I dint talk about the marauders a lot as I was only two but I hated that such good friends were split apart in a horrible way
When a memory came back to me

"Hey pupper" padfoot said in his best baby voice
"Oooo" i replied
"Okay, you can't speak can you?" He asked
In response I did my grappy hands
"I'll take that as a no"
"So I'm gonna say some words that you can't say when you're older okay?" He said
I laughed in response
"I had a shit day it was fucking shit" he said, thinking I couldn't talk he vented for a bit to me until Lilly and moony walked in
"Aww hey puppy" Lilly said getting down beside me
"Hey pup" moony said ticking me
"How was your day with padfoot here?" Lilly asked
"Fucking shit" I said smiling to myself
"W-what?" Lilly asked
"Fucking shit" I repeated
"PADFOOT" Lilly and moony shouted at the same time putting me down
"I-I didn't know she could talk!" He said
"I- I taught her last week" moony said
I laughed and pointed a finger at padfoot
"She's gonna be just like us isn't she?" Padfoot said
Lilly and moony nodded and out me down to sleep
"Exactly like you"

After some more talking Ron and Hermione went up and me and Harry were left down there. I got up and sat next to Harry and he pulled me into his side by the waist, then putting his arm around me, I snuggled up against his chest and started drawing circles with my fingers on his chest

"Do you think me teaching people is a good idea? I mean you taught me a lot, shouldn't it be you?" He said
"I would love to help you bub, but I'm shut down she can see every spell I use and you're do great , you're going  to help so many people" I relied looking up into his emerald eyes he looked down into mine and sighed
"Thanks love, I hate her, how dare she shut you down and register you as a creature" I could hear the anger in his voice
"It's okay I deserved it, and I'm fine" I said trying to calm him
He grabbed my wrist making me flinch
"Sorry" he whispered lifting my wrist closer to his face with the yellow from the bands making his face glow
"They're hurting you, look your wrist are red" he said looking worried
"I'm fine, I've got you here so I'm fine" I said taking my wrist back
He looked down and kissed my forehead before playing with my hair
As I started drifting off I heard him staring to sing me a song
(A/N imaging they have like early 2010s songs okay?)

"🎶 ooh love no one's ever gonna hurt you, love I'm  gonna give you all of my love Nobody matters like you
So, rockabye baby, rockabye I'm gonna rock you Rockabye baby, don't you cry Somebody's got you Rockabye baby, rockabye I'm gonna rock you Rockabye baby, don't you cry🎶" Then he starts to hum the rest and I sleep

When I wake up I see Harry still asleep with me in his arms and his head in my shoulder
"Harry" I whisper
"Hmm" he replied half asleep
"It's time to get up bub" I whisper again
He moans and rubs his eyes
"Morning love" he says kissing me on the lips
I kiss back and smile when he pulls away, he ruffles his hair and smiles at me again
"At least we don't have to get changed, we fell asleep down here" he says struggling with his tie
"Want help there bub?" I ask and he just sighed in defeat
I stand up and sort out his tie
"There easy!" I say when I'm done
"Yeah yeah whatever" he says playfully before lightly hitting my arm
After a few minutes everyone starts coming down and when fed and George do I walk in to them leaving Harry with Ron and Hermione

"Hello hello boys" I say ruffling their hair
"Hello lil prankster" they say at the same time
"I have a brilliant prank idea, well a few but this one will be for when you leave, a dramatic exit I say, go out with a bang, literally" when I add that last bit the boys shot up
"Literally?" They question making me nod and hand over the paper

I see their mischievous smiles and face light up as they read
"We love you!" They say a little to loud making the whole common room just look at us with questioning looks before a student yells
"They've stole your girl potter" making the common room burst with laughter before going to our classes

-A time skip brought to you by Sirius and James running from Minnie-

"You've done it Neville" I say
Everyone looks at me then the door
"You've found the room of requirement" I finish stepping inside the room dragging Harry with me
"T-the what?" Neville stutters
"It's also known as the Come and Go Room.The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has real need of it.And it's always equipped for the seeker's needs." Hermione explains looking around the room
"So say you needed the toilet...." Ron said trailing off
"Charming, Ronald but yes that is the general idea" I said looking at him
"Brilliant" Harry said

-time slip brought to you by Hermione hitting Ronald-

We were all in a line well expect me I was stood waiting for students as they took turns trying to disarm me

"Expelliarmus." Neville says, Nothing the wand is still in my hand
"I'm hopeless." He added
"You're just flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this. Expelliarmus." Harry said as the wand flew out my hand and smiling proudly at Harry and reassuringly at Neville

Back in toad faces class
"You will please copy the approved text four times... to ensure maximum retention." She said In her preppy voice that ticked me off
"There will be no need to talk." She added as I was about to say something to Harry
"No need to think's more like it." Hermione said earning a glare from toad and a grin from me
"Expelliarmus." Neville whispered practically under the table
"Wands away." Toad said as she spotted him
"Miss. Gryffindor Black Lupin or whatever it is stay behind please" she said looking at me, I gulped and nodded
*After class*
"You guys go I'll catch up" I said to my three friends who hesitantly left
"Miss, i have decided to lift your shut down, as you need spells in school, however I will be giving you a punishment right here, right now, Papers please" she said extending her hands
I took out my papers and hanged them to her
And she released me, the bands around my wrists lifted and shattered in front of me I was finally pain free
"Now your punishment" she said as she hovered her hand over punish
The paper gave me a slip o had to sign giving her permission for the crucio curse to be used on me
I started at it then her and she nodded, I took a quill and hesitantly sighed them
"Very good" she said handing me the papers and slip after she approved it
"Crucio" she said pointing her wand at me

I felt a sharp stabbing pain all through out my body I cried and screamed in pain and she stopped
"You may go" she said pointing to the door
I left with a tear stained face but rather happy could help with the DA

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