The truth

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(A/N I'm sorry this is so late I was busy today but I hope yall had a good day :) okay baiii)

I was back to my human self again and rushed over to Ron to see if he was okay I gave him some stuff for his cut and we then realised Siruis black was the grim, he was stood behind the door waiting for Harry i presume
"Padfoot?" I asked looking at the ragged man
"Wait, Pup?" He replied now looking at me
I nodded , he looked revived that it was me
"You know him?" Ron asked
"Yeah of course I do he taught me how to be an animagi" I replied looking back at Ron
Then we saw Harry and Hermione come up the stairs , Hermione ran to Ron and I ran to Harry
"Are you okay?" He asked me
I nodded and took his hand, now Ron wasn't the smartest, at all and I knew he had the idea I was working with padfoot
"GUYS! She's helping him , don't you think it's weird she only joined this year and she's an animagi like him, and he has a nickname for her?" He said pointing towards me
I was hurt but I got it his best friend was in danger , and it did kind of make sense
"Harry Siruis is padfoot, but I swear I didn't help him, I'll understand if you believe Ron tho" I said looking down letting go of his hand , he grabbed it back and said
"She wouldn't of had the chance to , me and you are always with her and Hermione would've noticed if she was sneaking off" Hermione nodded
Then Siruis black stepped from behind the door, Harry was going to rush forward but I pulled him back and confronted Siruis like a smart person
"Padfoot? Why are you here" I asked
"Well pup I'm here to kill someone" he replied
Wrong choice of words padfoot
" See, how is she so calm" Ron said
"Because Ron Siruis helped care for her when she was younger" Harry shot back
"Okay Padfoot who we killin?" I asked , I realised I did seem at her chill it was like I knew he was safe
"Wormtail" he replied
I gasped why on earth were we killing wormtail he took his wand out
"Expelliarmus!Well, well, Sirius.Looking rather ragged, aren't we?Finally, the flesh reflects the madness within." Dad said ,I grabbed Siruis wand and then Harry pulled me back via my waist
"Well, you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you Remus?I found him" Siruis replied
"I know"
"Let's kill him"
"NO I trusted you two and all this time you've been his friends." Hermione said pointing towards me and Remus
Harry tried holding me back but Hermione yanked me out of his arms and pushed me over to my dad who caught me
"He's a werewolf that's why he's been missing classes" she said Ron and Harry gasped
"I know" me and Siruis replied after dad made sure I want hurt he motioned for me to sit over on the piano
Hermione now looked shocked and she stood in front of Harry he looked at me and mouthed sorry , I mouthed back it's okay but hear them out before you snap he nodded
"Expelliarmus!Vengeance is sweet.How I hoped I'd be the one to catch you." Snape said
I stepped forward
"Snivellus, don't be a fool like you were in school" I said looking him in the eye
"How dare you speak about that!" He snapped and jinxed me
That's when dad and Siruis snapped at him
"Brilliant, Snape.Once again you've put your keen penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion.Now, if you'll excuse us, Remus and I have some unfinished business... to attend to." Siruis said stepping in front of me
"Give me a reason" he replied
"Snape don't be a fool I beg you" dad said
"He can't help it" Siruis said
"It's a habit" I finished slowly sitting up , Harry ran over to me and asked if I was okay I nodded , I gave him Siruis wand hoping he'd be smart and he nodded 
"Expelliarmus" he shouted sending Snape back
"YOU ATTACKED A TEACHER?" Hermione shouted at him
He ignored her
"Tell me about wormtail" he said calmly remembering what I said
"He was our friend in school, I too believed he was dead until you two said what you saw" dad replied
"The map was lying then" Harry snapped back
"The map never lies, we should know as we made it" dad said
"Along with pups little messages when she was 1" Sirius said looking at me smiling
"Who's wormtail and prongs?" He said looking at me
"Peter Pettigrew and your dad" I replied
"My dad knew you"
"Yea he made me a costume of a pup to help me be motivated to turn into one" I said with a smile
He smiled back before turning to dad and Sirius
"Pettigrew's alive! And he's right there!" He said pointing at Ron I mentally face placed knowing where this was going to go
"Me?! He's mental" Ron said
"Not you Ronald the rat, been in the family for twelve years and is missing a toe? Wormtails animagi form was a rat" I said
Something must've clicked in Harry's head as he said
"He cut off his finger and turned into a rat?" He asked looking at dad and he nodded
"Show me"
He tried taking scabbers and after some struggle got him
They shot a spell at him and out came wormtail I felt my hair go red my eyes and my face even got hot.

"H-Harry please move" is aid calmly he didn't to start with but when Sirius noticed what was happing he dragged him away much to Harry's disliking
I walked forward I knew exactly what was happening it felt like it did with Ricky, I kept getting madder thinking about my friends not believing me and worm tail getting Siruis in trouble my eyes then locked on the piano and after a few seconds
The piano had exploded into dust he and Ron looked shocked
I walked over to Hermione and handed her the note I gave Harry that explained my boggart , she read it and tears up before standing and pulling me into a hug
"I'm so so sorry" she whispered in my ear
"It's okay, I know how it sounded," I said back after she pulled away she handed the note to Ron who read it
"Oh my, I'm so sorry bloody hell im an idiot" he said looking up apologetically I smiled at him and leant down and hugged him
Once I pulled away I noticed Harry saying wormtail could have the dementors kiss

We walked outside and I began to heal Ron's leg slightly before
"HARRY!" Hermione yelled pointing to the full moon , me and Sirius ran over to dad
"Did he have his wolfsbane?" Sirius asked
I shook my head and said it was still full in his room earlier
Well shoot
Me and Siruis both knew what was going to happen I ran over to my friends and Harry
"Hermione you're great please keep these two idiots safe, bye guys," I said just in case ya know
I pecked Harry on the lips and tuned into a small pup
"Oh no she's going too-" Hermione said and I nodded as a dog
I stood in front if them and when my dad tried to attack them I jumped i front me getting a massive swipe tearing open my side but my friends only talking over, I saw Hermione tear up but I ran to get lupin from getting Siruis
"Y/N NO!" I hear Harry yell
I took some more swipes, both my sides were tire open bleeding and my face had taken a swipe too until dad picked me up In his moth ragged me around and threw me at a rock, I tuned into my human form with a massive swipe across my stomach gushing with blood my arm and leg being ripped and a massive cut across my face
That was gonna scar
I heard Harry cry my name
Siruis turned into his human form and picked me up he stumbled down to a lake as he was hurt too
"I-I should've told you earlier, I'm your real dad, you're so brave like your mother before well you know , protecting your friends before your self. I love you so much and I'm glad I got to see you, if I die I'll die happy as I saw you" he started crying and so did I
I was crying in pain and this was all overwhelming, my cries became more painful and it now hurt to cry and I started screaming in agony
"Hey hey darling it's okay" Siruis said stroking my hair before I passed out in pain the last thing I saw was him fall and Harry running down

Harry's p.o.v

I had heard I cry for what felt like, forever she sacrificed her life for us I couldn't lose her I went and knelt down by her she was in her dad arms and I cried over her body I knew she was alive but serif her like this hurt I kissed her forehead and belt her hand crying. She was losing so much blood. Then the water froze
And I was right, they flew towards us but they sucked from Siruis and Y/N and only briefly from me then stopped and I saw two balls of light coming out from both their mouths
Dementors kiss
I didn't want to just watch
"Expecto Patronum" I yelled it caused a white whisp and I saw the balks go back into their chests I sighed in relief and the whisp disappeared, I was getting faint I held back in to y/ns hand and started to collapse next to her the last thing I saw was a stag sending the dementors flying , then everything went black

Hehe thank youuuu

Still go check out harrysimp

Word count: 1820

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