#18 anniversary pt.2~

Start from the beginning

He smiled and I could see happiness sparkle in his eyes. I know he would never openly say it but I could tell my words meant as much to him as his did to me.

This would have been a really cute moment, that is if I didn't still have to fix my face.

I turned around to face the mirror again "hey sasuke can you break off four pieces of tape"

"Yeah sure"

I held out my hand and he put a peice of tape on my finger "thanks" I said and taped one side of the gauze on then the other, gritting my teeth. It hurt to even touch around the wound.

Then I did the same to my left side and I shut my eyes tightly, gasping. "I can't believe that bastard actually dumped his alcohol in my wound" I grumbled and lowered my hands from my face.

"Wait he did what?!" Sasuke asked "is that why I saw a shattered beer bottle on the floor when I picked you up?"

"Yeah he also did it to my arm. I think he did it so the wound wouldn't fade and instead it would scar"

"He wanted it to be a constant reminder of how I killed her. He doesn't understand that I have all the reminders I fucking need. I probably went through more pain and hurt than he did because I was with her and I fucking watched her die. where was he? I have no fucking clue! He only saw the aftermath and then he fucking blamed it on me! I was seven! The bastard was and still is nothing without my mother. He didn't even try to find out who actually killed her! Instead what did he do? He fucking destroyed the family she worked hard to make and decided to beat his child. Why? Because thats damn asshole is crazy!" I half yelled out and punched the sink counter angrily.

"Naruto if all that's true then you should report him. I know you dont want to hear it but hear me out"

"Your right though sasuke. I know you're right. In fact I've known that you were right since you told me to tell someone about it the first time but I can't. What would happen if he managed to get out. Like I said the first time, I would be dead. He would find me and kill me. He's insane sasuke I swear, he would find a way to get to me."

"Naruto itachi works with the police he wouldn't be able to get near you. Please like I said before, just think about it"

"Yeah I will...now can you help me wrap my arm?" I asked and held out my arm. I stared at the date that would probably be permanently scarred on my arm.

The more i thought of it, it wasn't a reminder of her death it was really just something to remember her...."when I'm old enough I'm getting a 1980 tattoo right next to my scar" I said thinking out loud. (AN: Guys let's just say she was born in 1980 ok ahaha)

"huh? Why a 1980?" Sasuke asked confused as he finished wrapping up my arm.

"Because thats the year my mom was born. It'll be something to remember her by and not something to remind me of her death!" I exclaimed and smiled at him.

"There you go again, finding light in a dark situation" sasuke said smiling fondly at me and took my hand in his.

"Yep thats me!" I exclaimed "oh wait thats what I'll do for my birthday!" I said exidedly. "Hm I'll need money though...eh i'll just steel it from my dad he has some money hidden not so well in his closet" I mumbled with a smirk.

"Naruto I'll pay for it if you want. Plus I know someone who would do it for you and we could get it done cheaper."

"No way I'm not making you pay for it! I mean definitely take me to the guy you know but I'm not letting you pay for it"

"Fine I'll just get you an even better birthday gift then" he stayed smugly and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you dare go spending to much money on me I don't need anything!" I told him then held out my hands, opening and closing them like a child "now help me down from here, I can't walk" I said poking my knee which was really REALLY stupid of me.

I felt excruciating pain fly up my leg and burn me like a fire "OW FUCK THAT HURT!" I screamed and bit my lip so hard that it bled "ow ow ow ok not doing that again" I mumbled shaking my head.

"Well obviously its gonna hurt! You told me it was broken!" Sasuke said clearly worried.

He scooped me off the counter and I pointed to his dresser when he carried me into his room.

"I'm stealing one of your sweatshirts" I stated making grabby hands untill he carried me over to the dresser. I dug through his drawers before I took out a navy blue sweatshirt with sasukes last name sewn onto it.

It looked like it would be big on me and the inside was really fuzzy "this is mine now" I told him as he carried me over to his bed and set me down to let me put the sweatshirt on.

"It looks good on your especially with my last name sewn onto it" he smirked.

My face went bright red but if I'm being completely honest thats one of the reasons I liked the sweatshirt.

I turned my head away from him embarrassed so I changed the subject "sasuke my bracelet, where'd you put it?" I asked turning around to face him again.

"Oh it's in the locked drawer in my desk" he told me and I sighed in relief "want me to get it for you?"

I nodded my head "yeah, thanks sasuke" I told him and watched him walk over to his desk, unlock the drawer, and pull out the bracelet.

He walked back over to me then kneeled down to put the bracelet on my wrist for me. I smiled gratefully and quickly kissed him.

"Hey whats up with all the yelling? Are you ok sasuke?" We heard itachi ask before opening the door to sasukes room. He spotted me with all my bandages and his eyes widened.



I litterally cried while writing the last two chapters im not even kidding.

I hoped you all liked them!

Also sorry it took long to write I was really busy today!

Thanks for reading! <3

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