Of course that's exactly what Matheo does. He's lucky Rora is so attached to him since she found out about the pregnancy. I refuse to accept it's the baby loving Theo more than us.

"Damn Rora you seem to have had a long night" he stupidly says. Rora glares, grabs a pillow and throws it at him.

Surprisingly she settles with pillows and not other objects...or her fists.

After some more well deserved pillow hits against Matheo, we all go down and watch as Rora makes a mess with the bowls and Phoenix fixes them.

Who would've thought...pretty boy can cook. And even better that Rora, that's a lot to say since she's a great cook. Not as much as I am but she manages.

I used to cook all the time to give the cooks a break but when Rory came in she took over for me. I'm yet to make her my killer cheese burgers.

Phoenix seems to be less tense and in a way better mood after talking and spending the night with Rora. It's crazy how those two met so many years ago. I personally think it's all fate and they are soulmates.

Leave it to me to be the hopeless romantic of the family

That's the only reason I'm okay with my baby sister dating, she was gonna do it eventually and who better than a good man like Phoenix who we now know has had his fill of darkness too.

Zach sort of explained the situation, we know the little girl is not his and Phoenix had given him the green light to tell us all about that woman Aisha, how she made him believe he'd be a dad and then just got rid of the baby without his knowledge after he'd already bought so many things and loved his baby more than anything.

Speaking of Rora... she looks adorable playing with Abigail, she'll be a great mom.

Last night Patty, one of the nanny's who used to help dad with us came for the night and took care of baby Abby. Apparently after Phoenix called the dad he said he'd be here today.

He didn't know he had a daughter, we all heard the Barbie tell us that but we were hesitant to believe anything she said.

We haven't seen her since..


We are all waiting... Eugene Singer — Abby's dad — just arrived at the airport so dad sent a car to pick him up. Abigail is with me, we want to make sure he is fit to take care of her.

I'm leaning against Phoenix and he's stroking my hair. My brothers are fighting each other for the TV remote. Dad wins.

Finally a maid comes into the living room and tells us he's here, a man comes and holy fuck. His name is not Eugene Singer...

"Your name is definitely not Eugene" I say with widened eyes and they all turn to me except Zach and Phoenix who are smiling at him.

"Aurora!" He says and smiles "You are okay!"

"Hello...detective Nayil. I thought you were dead!" I say getting up. Everyone else along with me.

I don't like him being here, he saw me at my worst. But at least I know he's a good man. Sort of shitty at his job but descent

"No, I've been on the run from Rodrigo for a while. He's a powerful man but I recently found out he's in a weak state" he answers

"Yeah...but that doesn't explain how you know Aisha" I say but he turns to Phoenix

"Umm I think Phoenix here can explain that" he answers

"How the hell do you know him Aurora? And how does he know Phoenix?" Matheo asks

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