Chapter 32: Death Mountain

Start from the beginning

"We're here" Mipha said as the group reached the gates of Goron City "Good thing I brought that Fireproof Elixir so I wouldn't catch fire!"

"I brought one too!" Revali could be heard as he flew into town

"Man" Link said "I feel really warm"

Mipha turned to face Link, and she saw that Link was on fire "Oh Goddesses!" Mipha grabbed Link by the arm, and dragged him into Goron City, and kept dragging him until they reached the Armor Shop

"One set of Flamebreaker armor please!" Link said to the Goron that worked there 

"That'll be 5,000 rupees" the Goron said as he held up the Flamebreaker armor

"We can't pay for that!" Mipha said

"I can" Link reached into his bag, and withdrew 5,000 rupees, handing over the money to the Goron and putting on the Flamebreaker Armor before he burned to death

"Where did you get that kind of money?" Revali asked Link

"I know a guy" Link smiled, recalling when he gave Beedle the super rare bug he accidentally caught for that huge stack of cash

"Hello there travelers!" a young Goron youth approached the three "You look like an unusual bunch, a Zora, Rito, and Hylian. What brings you here?"

"Who are you?" Link asked

"I am Yunobo" the Goron replied 

"We are looking for the former Goron Champion Daruk" Mipha stated

"Ah, Lord Daruk!" Yunobo exclaimed "You can speak to Daruk, just follow me to him!"

Link, Mipha, and Revali followed Yunobo, and they walked past the quarters of the Goron leader

"Hey, Yunobo, you and those travelers need to stop right there!"

"Sorry" Yunobo said

"Who is this?" Link pointed at the old Goron with an eyepatch that was walking toward them

"I am Bludo" he declared "The Goron Patriarch and their leader. What are you weird travelers here for?"

"They have come to see Lord Daruk!" Yunobo told Bludo

"Lord Daruk?" Bludo asked "Did they give any reason why?"

"No sir" Yunobo replied

"Why do you wanna see Lord Daruk!" Bludo barked at Link, Mipha, and Revali

"He is one of the former champions, correct?" Link asked

"I dunno" Bludo scratched his head "Probably. I can't keep up with you youngins these days"

Bludo stumbled away, and cursed under his breath when his bad back started giving him trouble.

Link, Mipha, and Revali continued following Yunobo to Daruk's quarters

"He should be in there" Yunobo pointed over at the nearest Goron home, and walked away

"Let's go in" Revali said, and the three proceeded into the home

A Large goron with a Boulder Breaker was hammering away at some metal.

He turned to see who had entered his home, and looked like he was going to faint

"Mipha! Revali!" Daruk exclaimed "Didn't think I'd get a visit from you two! And- Link?" Daruk's face now looked even more surprised "Aren't you supposed to be dead, little guy?"

"Um, it's a long story" Link said

"I can hear long stories" Daruk chuckled

"Well" Link began "There was some magic and crap, and then I was born as a direct reincarnation of the Hylian Champion you once knew"

"If you say so" Daruk said "That's a lot to take in. Bet it sure surprised Mipha a lot, huh?"

"Why would it?" Revali said

"Nothing" Mipha said quickly "Daruk, we are recruiting to join the heroes from around Hyrule who are resisting the control of the dark usurpers such as the Yiga Clan, Agahnim and the soldiers, Zant and the Shadow Beasts, and others. Will you join us?"

"Sure!" Daruk exclaimed "I'd be glad to fight for a good cause, especially alongside my friends! Maybe I could get young Yunobo to help out too. He's always wanted to fight in a battle, but Bludo always sends me to deal with monsters"

"Okay" Revali said

"Speaking of monsters" Daruk continued "If you want me and Yunobo's help, you gotta help me first"

"What do you mean?" Mipha asked

"Well" Daruk said "Local monsters have been causing a lot of trouble down in the Goron Mines. Would you three mind helping me clear them out?"

"Sure!" Mipha replied

"We don't have time for this!" Revali scowled

"C'mon Rev" Link insisted "Let's do it"

"I will help" Revali told Link "But don't call me Rev"

"Fine" Link said

"Well" Daruk said "Time to get down in the Goron Mines!"

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