Chapter 15: The Fire Blast

Start from the beginning

But before his trainer could yell at him once again Vivi had arleady started her next attack. ''Sorry big boy but I intend to win this.'' she said with a wink before throwing another Fairy Wind attack at the monkey.

The wind managed to do a lot of damaged as the Primeape was sent crashing on the ground but he quickly regained his footing and charged toward Vivi with an enraged expression. ''This is the last time you fool me with your cute look!'' He snarled angrily.

''Oh are you sure? Because I was going to give you a little kiss if you were a good boy.'' Primeape frozed in place at her declaration and true to her words the Sylveon gave him a kiss on the cheek but what he hadn't noticed is that the kiss was draining all his energy and before he knew it Primeape fell on the ground unconscious.

Chuck sighed in disappointment. ''I really need to make him learn to keep his emotions in check.'' He muttered before recalling him in his Pokeball. ''Alright are you ready to fight against my strongest Pokemon? Poliwrath go!''

As soon as the Pokemon was released Maple got tense and she began to growl savagely. Paradox gabe her a bewildered look. ''What's wrong Maple?''

Maple looked at her with angry eyes. ''Don't you recognize him?! This is the same Poliwrath that tried to kill you when we first met!'' Paradox was shocked at the revelation and she began to glare toward the Poliwrath.

''Ahahahah! I never expected to see the two of you there! After your mother so kindly banish me from the forest I made great, I was recruit by this guy. Being a gym leader Pokemon is great! Everyday I get to crush puny Pokemon like the little Vulpix you have there. I can't wait to crush you for making me leave my home!''

''You deserved to be banished you psycopath! I can't believe a gym leader would use a bad Pokemon like you!'' Maple roared in anger.

Chuck raised an eyebrow at the exchange. ''Hey I don't know what's wrong with your Vulpix but I hope it won't jump into the battlefield before it's her turn, that is if you select her at all for this match.''

Maple glared toward her trainer. ''I want to fight him, I want to show him how much stronger I am compared to before.'' Paradox knew she would hear it for a long time if she didn't allowed her to fight so with a sigh she recalled Vivi and sent out Maple on the battlefield.

Chuck raised an eyebrow at this. ''A fire type against a water type? Are you sure you know your type matchup little girl?''

Poliwrath on the other hand had a thoughtful expression on his face. ''Hey weren't you male the last time we fought? Nah must have been my imagination.''

''Maple use Fire Spin!'' Paradox yelled.

''With pleasure.'' The Vulpix replied with a sadistic smile as she imprisoned Poliwrath in a circle of flames.

The water and fighting type chuckled in response. ''You think that will be enough to keep me contained? Hydro Pump!'' Not only did the attack get rid of the fire in front of him but it was heading straight toward Maple.

Paradox eyes widened in alarm and she yelled. ''Use Protect!'' The shield came just in time as a powerful stream of water hit the shield relentlessly.

Poliwrath chuckled. ''Good you managed to survive but you cannot use protect multiple time so my next attack is sure to hit.''

''Poliwrath use Submission!'' Chuck yelled at his Pokemon.

''That what I was about to do.'' Poliwrath replied with an annoyed frown. The water and fighting type was running toward the fox Pokemon his fist punching the air furiously. Paradox knew that if it managed to hit it would almost certainly spell the end of the round, but then she got an idea.

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