Kol, however, didn't give the five seconds he originally said. Kai's eyes widened at the man's, now known vampire's, speed. He threw his hands up and slammed his eyes shut. He heard the vampire's strangled cry and Lorrie's startled shout. He opened his eyes to see the other man batting away flames on his slightly charred shirt. He glanced down at his hand in confusion.

   "I thought you used up all of the magic… how'd you do that?" Lorrie wondered as she helped Kol put out the flames.

   "I thought it was gone too. I felt it all drain away, I'm sure there was none left," Kai mumbled, still staring at his previously ignited hands.

   "Do you think that… no, that couldn't be it…"

   "Couldn't be what?"

   Lorrie hesitated. "Do you think that because you took some of my kind of magic… it began to grow and fester inside of you and now it's exactly like my kind. Once it runs out, it comes back. It never actually runs out, you just need to give it some time to at least partially come back."

   Kai focused within himself and he definitely felt the magic he'd just used slowly replenishing itself slowly, but surely.

   "Lorelei," Kol spoke Lorrie's full name, making her turn in alarm. "Are you going to give me an explanation on who this Kai is?"

   "Well, I was going to do that myself, but then you tried to kill me," Kai spoke instead.

   Kol turned to him, his eyes narrowed. "I didn't ask you this time, witch."

   "Don't lump me in with those prejudiced assholes," Kol raised a brow at the man's hostility. "I'm so much better than those basic witches."

   "Is he another arrival from your world? He has magic that resembles yours," Kol raised a brow at Lorrie.

   "Nope. I found him in a prison world and took him in as my student."

   "Prison world?" Kol growled. "When did you go to a prison world?"

   "Uhhh," Lorrie eloquently started. "Like 20 minutes ago."

   Kol sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I truly worry for your lack of self-preservation, my dear."

   Lorrie crossed her arms and gazed at Kol in annoyance. "My self-preservation is just fine. I just tend to get dragged into wack-ass situations…"

   Kol wrapped an arm around the Dragonborn and placed a soft kiss on her temple. "As much as I'd love for you to be safe 24/7, I know that is simply unattainable with the life we live."

   The two smiled at each other in adoration.

   "Affection. Gross," Kai gagged, drawing the two's attention away from each other.

   "Oh come on, Kai," Lorrie looked at the siphoner with a raised brow. "You'll have to get used to it if you're gonna be living with us from now on."

   "Woah, who said anything about him living with us?" Kol moved so he could stand in front of Lorrie, a hard look on his face.

   "I did," Lorrie grinned and stepped over to Kai and ruffled the man's hair. "I can't just leave my cute little student to fend for himself in this harsh new world."

   "I practically tower over you, what do you mean 'little'?" Kai drawled, standing up straighter just to appear even taller.

   Lorrie raised a brow at his action. "Yeah, well, knowledge wise, I'm a whole skyscraper while you're an ant, so who's really losing here?"

   "Touché, short ass, touché," Kai smirked.

   "He, unfortunately, won't have much time to acquaint himself with this house as we are leaving this hellhole of a town," Kol spoke, making his way back over to his mates side, capturing her in his protective hold once more.

   "So another millionaire mansion somewhere else?" Lorrie questioned sarcastically.

   "Yes, darling," Kol grinned, Lorrie's tone flying over his head. "We're headed to our families old kingdom. New Orleans."

School is still very much shit, but this thing did get to 100k which scared me and I felt like I had to at least post something.

School is like a dementor to my writing motivation and I rlly hate that. When summer time hits, I'm sure I'll feel a little better, but no promises.

Anyways, how have you guys been?

This is basically what I did:

Thank you guys for still supporting this thing even though I've been gone for literal months :)

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Thank you guys for still supporting this thing even though I've been gone for literal months :)

(Can't stop that Jack Manifold grind tho)

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