Chapter 19: You are the one for me

Start from the beginning

"Maira, will you marry me?"

"Not like you've given me a choice after what happened downstairs yesterday." She said accusingly. I look down.

"You can say no, it doesn't matter..."

"Yeah, just to prove that they were right, my fiancé ultimately broke off the engagement because someone tried molesting me." She air quoted the word 'fiancé' and seemed really pissed.

"But you will break off the engage..."

"Not like people will believe me, I am a nobody just a slut, a gold digger, someone yearning for money, who knows tomorrow I might become someone who used her slutiness to get this promotion..." I wince at her words but know that this is what the society thinks.

"Maira, don't think about the society or anyone, do you think you would have married me if it were just an arrange marriage?"

"First lemme ask you, would you have married a girl like me, fat, rude, and ugly if it were an arranged marriage?" I look at her quite shocked at her low self-esteem. Before I could say anything, she decides for me.

"Look Prince, first of all thank you for whatever you did for me yesterday, but marriage is a huge decision and not something you decide in heat of the moment. I don't want you to take any decision which you might regret later on. I honestly don't care what the society thinks about me, so you can correct last night mistake of yours and I can assure you-"

"This is what you think that was,. You think what I said yesterday was just in heat of the moment and a mistake? Tell me Maira is there someone else you wanna marry? Is it Rishi? I mean he is so close to you, is he the reason that you don't wanna marry me?" I ask sourly the question that's bothering me for past few days.

"Rishi? Have you lost your mind? I mean fortunately neither Rishi nor I are interested in incest, and neither is my choice that bad so I think you don't have to be worried about that." What? Incest? Did I hear it right?

"Rishi is your brother?"

"He's a cousin of mine who is just a bit protective of me and we have been very close since we were kids and so he feels that it's his responsibility to save me and protect me from anyone and everyone."

"Well, then is there someone else in your life?"

"Why don't you understand that girls like me don't find guys, and never guys like you atleast. They are always made to settle. You are the most handsome bachelor of the country why would you wanna settle down with someone like me? There are thousands of girls much prettier than me-"

"But you are the one for me."


Maria's POV:

The last thing I hear and make sense of before I am engulfed in deep slumber is Jai's declaration.


This morning, rather afternoon since I woke up pretty late, everything comes toppling down to my head and I let out a gasp remembering everything. Did Jai really mean what he said? Why would he do that? Does he no why would he like someone like me!

I see Jai sitting next to me and I am in all daze upto the point where he asks me to marry him. Why?

My heart flutters when he says, "But you are the one for me." Stopping my heart from developing any hopes, and later getting hurt I decided to be open to him. I know once we are done with this conversation, he would not wanna marry me.

"Prince, all this sounds very good in novels that you ask the girl in distress to marry you and later on you lead a fairytale life with her. But in practicality it is not possible. I am no Disney Princess even when you are a Disney Prince."

"Well, you don't have to be an actual princess to marry a prince. Cinderella wasn't a princess, and neither was Belle."

"But they were beautiful which is why they captured the hearts of the princesses."

"I think you took the Disney movies quite literally but what they showed was that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. It wasn't their beauty that made them attractive but their pure and kind hearts that did."

"But I have neither looks nor the kind of heart you're talking about." I press my temple due to the headache I am currently having and lean my head back and close my eyes. I wouldn't lie I am impressed with his knowledge of Disney but I am way too exhausted to have this heavy conversation.

"Maira, let's talk about this after some time. First let's get you something to eat. You need to take rest after that. I will also get you some ointment for the bruises." Saying this he gets up from the bed and leaves the room while I a. Lost looking at his retreating back.


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Who else just had a heart attack when he said "You are the one for me."? I might have let out numerous shrieks at that line and might have even died a little at how sweet Jai is 🥺
Hey guys!!
I know it's an early update, just an apology for not uploading last few weeks.
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Love you all:)

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