[33] hurt (filler)

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"how would you know where the tarkers are?" nick asked, karl left the bathroom and just wrapped himself around nick. Nick just held him back and rubbed his arm reassuringly

"before i was assigned to nick, i had another young boy, he was 17, we thought he was a glistener at first, i was the one who noticed something was wrong. there had been stories about stronger creatures in the past but not much written neither was it common knowledge. He started to 'teleport' and he could move things with his mind, he was a sweet boy; he just didn't know how to control the powers he had. i left him in the late 1700's just before i got nick. He went missing in the 1980's i believe"

"you're talking about ranboo aren't you bad" clay looked up
bad nodded profusely "he was just a scared teen when i first met him, i received a letter a year or two back; from ranboo. he told me that 'things were were good and beautiful at first; they soon got corrupted. I don't know if to fear for my life or be excited for it. I miss you mr halo, i hope to see you again soon' i didn't know what he meant at the time, but what if things are bad there." bad sighed
"did he leave a location?"
"a few miles from here"

"then why the fuck are we sat here pissy pantsing, george might be in danger and you sorry lot are reminiscing the past" clay hit another cupboard out of frustration before walking to his room slamming the door behind him.

he was upset, terrified even.

he knew the situation george was in was his fault, he might never see him again.

he'd spent decades chasing the man he loved just to have him slip away at the fault of himself

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