[8] Wine

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"look who finally arrived" clay smiled leaning against the door frame
"i brought wine" george raised the bottle
"god you're posh"
"posh? i don't know if to take offense to that or not"
"it was meant to be an insult"
"lovely, will you let me in then or do you enjoy seeing me freeze half to death out here"
"if i must" clay let out a dramatic sigh and moved away from the door so george could enter. He shut the door behind him then spun on his heel to face george.

George took his coat off, then his scarf. Clay took them and put them on the stand by the door.

"i'll get us some glasses" clay smiled taking the bottle from georges hands

George replied with a smile as his eyes observed clay, he wore a black button up shirt with the top buttons done up. Black jeans with a nice designer belt. He looked surprisingly good for someone who just wanted to have a causal hangout session. George bit his lip without realising

"i see somebody likes what they see" Clay raised an eyebrow handing george his class now filled with wine.
"Just rather distracted that's all"
"you can say you find me attractive george, i don't bite"
"somebody is rather full of them self, don't you think?" george smirked as he lifted the glass to his lips and took a sip

i don't bite, hm or do you mr secret vampire?

george thought to himself, a little chuckle escaping at the joke he'd made to himself

"well if it helps, i think you look very handsome today george" this caught george off guard, sending his stomach into its state of gymnastics, whilst a deep blush over took his face
"flustered so soon?" clay chuckled biting his bottom lip
"are you drunk" georges eyes widened unknowing of how to react to the current situation
"not at all, just brutally honest"
"oh, right. You wanted to stream right" George diverted the situation, he tugged on his collar slightly beginning to feel like the room was getting hot.

"yeah, come through" clay walked into another room, george following close behind like a shadow. The room was  well lit, messily set up. The home was surprisingly done up well for what clay said was an air BNB.

Clay sat down at a desk, he turned his PC on and it whirred to life
"So what's your plan" george asked refilling his glass of wine
"Intoxicated minecraft, no facecam of course"
"that sounds like a recipe for disaster"
"precisely" clay chuckled as he began typing in the title for the stream

Drunk stream; Minecraft FT GeorgeNotFound :)

he soon started the stream, the two men were rather sober to begin with.

that was until the second bottle of wine and vodka was taken out.

They'd been streaming for around an hour and a half, george was sat in an uncomfortable wooden chair beside clay, whilst clay was in a large black gaming chair.

"Look get the diamonds!" George pointed out the diamonds to clays left, yet he couldn't see them
"where?!?" clay slurred
"oh come here you idiot" george stood and hovered over clay, pointing out the diamonds.

Clay put his hands on georges waist and pulled him down so he was on his lap, george felt his body tense and his face burn. He let out a drunken giggle, "may i?" clay whispered as he gestured for georges shirt, george nodded.

Clay ran his hand under georges shirt causing george to shiver at the touch, he ran his hand up georges chest until it reached georges neck.

"I think we're going to end stream here guys thanks for coming out" Clay ended the stream, making a double take to make sure it was definitely ended. which it was

Clays hand had remained on georges neck, he tightened the grip slightly causing a shakey moan to escape george.

"you really are all talk arent you george"
george let out a whimper and nodded, he felt clay become harder beneath him.

Clay released his grip, george turned so he was now straddling him.

George bit his lip and kept eye contact with clay as he began to make soft thrusting movements feeling his problem grow against his jeans.

"you're a fucking tease arent you" Clays words were shaken
George took his chance and dived for clays neck beginning to plant soft kisses, sucking occasionally. he began to undo the top buttons to clays shirt but a tight grip around his wrist prevented him

"don't" clays tone was stern
"what, are you hiding something?" george giggled looking into clays eyes
Clay bit his lip and rolled his eyes
"you make this impossible henry" Clay mumbled, his eyes widened when he realised what he said
"henry...?" george moved back slightly, realising that was the name from his dream.

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