[1] 2021

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George stretched his arms, satisfied when he heard his neck click. He stood and walked over to his wardrobe taking out a black crew neck as well as a collar to add to the outfit. Opening a draw, he grabbed the first pair of black jeans that he could see and began getting changed.

That day George planned to visit the local park, more specifically to feed the ducks. He'd always been fond of the animal, since a young age. His best memories were associated with the creatures.

He grabbed his wallet and keys aswell as a small bag with various items inside and left his apartment heading to hyde park. The air outside was fairly cold, after all it was mid october. Houses were decorated with variants of 'spooky' decorations. Halloween was definitely georges least favourite holiday, it was an excuse for people to act obscure and cruel in his mind.

The gates of the park were before him, he clutched the blue handles of the plastic bag and walked in before eventually making his way to a bench facing the pond.

Hyde Park wasn't his childhood park, the duck pond he visited as a child was located in a smaller park in the east of london, as george didn't drive it was a hassle to get there so avoided doing so. It would usually take the N8 Bus then an 86 and a bit of walking, yet that deemed too much effort for the male so he settled on hyde park, regardless ducks are ducks.

He opened the bag and took some sweet corn and nuts, he mixed them together and began throwing the freshly made mix out at the ducks who soon swarmed away from another person also feeding them.

George looked over, a tall blonde male. He was rather skinny yet his body was clearly toned, a white shirt covered by a black jacket. In his hands a loaf of Hovis bread which he broke up and threw at the ducks whom were now uninterested upon discovering georges more tasteful mix.

The man huffed, "Bread is rather bad for them, they are surprisingly aware of that" george chuckled continuing to throw his mix out into the pond.
"You must be a duck expert" the man chuckled, his accent caught george off guard
"You're american, certainly didn't expect that" George smiled
"I'd say i'm surprised that you're british but after all i am in london, i'm clay" The man stuck a hand out and george shook it

Clay looked familiar, as if george had seen him before. His eyes seemed yellow to him, yet george knew they were most likely a deep green. His skin was rather pale and freckles covered his nose delicately like icing sugar on a pancake; as if it was a finishing touch to compliment his features

"So i see you're feeding them- what is that sweet corn?" Clay chuckled now taking a seat beside george
"A mix of sweet corn and seeds actually, it's easier for them to digest and more nutritional. Bread just fills them up and can clog their intestines"
"You must be some sort of veterinarian, biologist perhaps?"
"Not quite, more of a guy that plays video games for a living"
"Never thought i'd see the day where i meet another person with the same career as me by chance" Clay smirked raising an eyebrow, clearly impressed with himself
"Youtube or twitch?" george questioned
"Twitch, a million and growing"
"holy- clay that's a lot. I myself am only in the hundred thousand range"
"That's still quite an achievement"
"What's your twitch, i'll follow you" george smiled setting aside the duck feed and taking his phone from his pocket, his hands were rather cold and stung slightly.

Clay chuckled "Dream"
"No be serious clay, whats your actual twitch, that dream guy lives in florida" George shook his head acting playfully offended
"and i'll tell you again, i'm dream" He chuckled now taking out his phone to prove to george that he was who he said, georges jaw dropped slightly
"Okay- first of all why are you in london? Second of all you're way too famous to be talking to me" George chuckled, clay hid his face slightly embarrassed. He was never too keen on revealing himself to people, afraid they'd begin to act different upon receiving knowledge he was one of the biggest names in gaming

"Needed a break from florida, my roommate Sapnap, well nick has had his partner staying over for a few weeks. I thought i'd give them some space and take a spontaneous trip to london and to answer your second question if i believed i was too famous to be talking to you that would make me an egotistical bastard"
"hearing americans say british curses is rather amusing"
"that's the only thing you took from that?"
"indeed, can you say bastard again it's for science"
"george right now you're being a bastard"
"thank you; my research has concluded it is in fact hilarious when americans curse using what are essentially british words"

Clay shook his head; "you're such an idiot"
"an idiot who you assumed was a biologist over me knowing common knowledge about ducks, either you're an idiot or lack common sense"
"i suppose a bit of both" the two laughed, this connection was blissful. Something neither of the two expected when leaving their front doors that morning.

"Here, take some, saves you feeding them a death sentence" George gestured for clay to cup his hands to which he did, george poured some of the mix into his hand and pulled away with a smile
"a death sentence? rather dramatic don't you think?"
"not in the slightest, bread is just constipation central for them"
"thank you george, i definitely needed to know about ducks bowel movements to make my day that extra bit special"
"you're very welcome" george giggled turning his eyes back to the ducks

"i'll tell you what, i actually brought my setup to the air BNB i'm staying at, incase i wanted to stream whilst i was here. How about we exchange discord's and stream together tonight? i may be able to introduce you to some of my friends like alex, nick and his partner karl, daryl and zak. You seem lovely and your energy would fit right in." Clay smiled taking out his phone again preparation to exchange discord's
"That sounds wonderful clay, thank you. My discord is GeorgeNotFound#0404"
"make sure to accept that request otherwise i may have to hunt you down george"
"wow so intimidating"
"what is it with british people and sarcasm"
"adds to our charm"
"that it does"

The two boys inevitably parted ways, george feeling overjoyed at the opportunity he'd just gotten. Clay was a kind man, his words were gentle and his laughs were soft.

George hit himself slightly for finding the man attractive, yet it was hard not to with a face like his.

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