[4] Milkshakes

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The next day george and clay had agreed to meet up for a milkshake after george confessed his distaste for coffee, the milkshake store was in stratford, a little bit of a journey from georges home but he didn't mind. After all he'd get to see his closest friend

his phone pinged
[GeorgeNotFound: it's a super recent friendship; we've gotten close though, i'm actually going to see him right now :] ]
[WilburSoot: Holy shit that's crazy, this could be your big break. i'm happy for you, honestly]
[GeorgeNotFound: Thank you wilby, how's tom been doing?]
[WilburSoot: Better :) I think moving to brighton has really helped with his asthma, he wants to visit mum soon though so i'll be back in london this month... you know what that means :) ]
[GeorgeNotFound: Let me know when you're coming, we can arrange something. Missed you like crazy, i'm at my stop now though but i'll message you later :] ]

George slid his phone into his pocket, wilburs brother tommy was a different character, he was incredibly loud and talkative which was good in some aspects as he always knew what to say. There was never a quiet moment with him around, sometimes it was frustrating get at others it was reassuring. Wilbur had decided to bring Tommy with him to brighton when he moved; he thought it would help with his asthma.

George watched his feet as he walked, eventually jumping into someone, "oh god- i'm so sorry!" he laughed
"you're such an idiot" the male chuckled, george looked up and his eyes met the familiar ones he'd been excited to see all day.

"i should watch where i'm going" george chuckled rubbing the back of his neck, he looked away feeling a redness take its place over his face.
"probably, you could've bumped into a thug"
"oh yes a thug" george shook his head mockingly then looked back to clay.

Clay just had one of those movie-perfect faces. Well to george atleast.
His soft eyes, the stubble on his chin. His eyebrows were perfectly shaped and his dirty blonde hair bounced down covering them slightly, his hair was quite wavy and his left ear was pierced.

"Somebody seems distracted" clay waved a hand infront of georges face, to which george playfully pushed away
"Sorry i was just thinking about what milkshake to have"
"george we aren't even at the place yet"
"i like to think in advance"

Georges stomach had began to do somersaults, a feeling he hadn't felt for years. He felt like he was going to throw up, not in a gross way. More of an emotional output, he wasn't quite sure why he felt like this but he could only assume he was beginning to develop feelings for this person.

They reached the milkshake place, it was a dainty little store decorated with bright pastel colours. George settled on a chocolate milkshake whilst clay was rather plain and chose a vanilla one.

they sat in a booth opposite eachother

"Vanilla? really- that's literally so simple!" george laughed sipping his own
"You can't talk! you literally chose chocolate, you only like it because it's everybody's go to!"
"atleast it actually tastes like something"
Clay wheezed slightly at the words george said

For some reason the laugh sounded so familiar, so comforting to him.

George looked up to dreams eyes, the deep yellow capturing him again. The way they lit up against his freckles and the singular dimple on his left cheek.
"Your eyes are incredibly pretty clay."
"I suppose they're just green"
"Yellow, they're yellow to me"
Clay paused, a smile cracked at the side of his face
"you're colourblind arent you"
george nodded
"so it is you" dream mumbled his smile growing wider, a short excited chuckle escaping him, george didn't quite catch his words
"nothing- sorry. Anyway, we should stream tonight"
"tonight? with the boys or-"
"just you and me george"
"i mean, if you insist"
"i do"
"then it's a plan."

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