[5] A Beautiful Mess

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Clay got home that evening, butterflies exploding through him.

He'd found him again, he pulled his phone out to call nick.

"Nick it's him!" He beamed
"Clay- jesus it's like 12am for you"
"Nick, i found him again"
Clay heard nicks position shift
"how do you even know?"
"He's colourblind, red-green just like the rest"
Nick sighed "clay, you can't just assume every colourblind man in london is him."
"He said he recognised me nick" Clays tone changed
"Regardless, do you really want to set yourself up for another inevitable heartbreak?"
"It'll be different this time, i'll make sure of it"
"You can't- yknow, that's against the rules"
"So be it"

"You're really willing to give up everything for him arent you"
"This love is decades old, why wouldn't i"
"because this is george, clay, not Henry"
"You said the same about alexander"
"Touché. Just, be careful, don't get caught"
"you know me, i'm sly as a fox"
"yeah if the fox was on stilts, had a blow horn and a big tophat"
"you could atleast pretend to have some sort of hope in me nick"
"oh clay! you're such a genius, i'm so incredibly sure you'll work this out! You are so smart and amazing"
"now you're just taking the piss"
"well, that's all i'll keep you updated"
"okay, goodnight clay"
"goodnight nick."

Clay hung the phone up and went to his bedroom, he grabbed a small box and took it from beneath his bed.

He opened it, the first item he took out was a Locket, H+C engraved into it messily. Clay smiled as he clutched it in his hand, he took another item out, a photograph. Him and a male, the photo was extremely old. Early 1900's to be exact. The male had similar features to george, the same face shape, the same eyes, the same nose. the only difference being was his hair was styled differently.

He took another photo out, this time it was a polaroid, Clay again with another male, the male resembled george as well as the male in the previous photo. Written at the bottom, Clay + Louis 1995. Louis was in a hospital bed, clay stood beside him, their arms interlocked.

The truth is, Clay was hiding a lot more than he let on from george. But secrets couldn't remain secret forever.


theories ? :)

super duper excited about the plot for this one it's so good aaaa


love u guys

Decades Between Us Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon