[41] The Blade

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( Youll be back - Jonathon Groff)

"You guys can't just- eh- you can't just leave!" Techno yelled out his sword in his hand
"Watch us techno, you're putting us in danger" niki cried back putting her arms around tubbo and ranboo guiding them away

Techno appeared infront of niki, raising the sword to her face.

"You'll be back" he smirked
"just give it up already techno! we're all screwed regardless" she barged past him; keeping a firm grip on the two teens

"niki, maybe he's right. we're safer with techno" fundy looked between the two
"Fundy, he's a mess! he's just going to get us killed just like phil!" niki yelled back she continued to storm off, once again a sword met her throat

Techno kept the steel close to her throat as the goat boy and enderman tarker shook
"i thought we were a family niki, your words." techno raised an eyebrow
"we stopped being a family the day you almost killed george, now we're living in a cave like- like animals!" nikis voice shook with the sword against her throat
"niki just remember-" he paused pulling the sword back and raising between tubbo and ranboo "when push comes to shove, i will kill your friends- well family. to remind you of my love, once a family, always a family niki" he chuckled twirling the sword in his fingers chucking it between his hands

"you're insane!" tubbo cried out, niki put out a hand to prevent him from lashing out

the three stormed out, fundy following after

"you'll be back
soon you'll see
you'll remember that you belong to me
you'll be back
time will tell
you'll remember that i served you well"

techno muttered to himself as he watched people he once cared for disappear into the darkness.
He knew they wouldn't last a day in the forest, with the union hunting them especially.

Techno needed a partner in crime, someone easily manipulative.

He shifted into a hawk and flew from the cave, he flew to the nearest town. Night had now taken place, that's when he spotted his pray, a small teen boy walking home the pale streetlight illuminating his face every so often

Techno shifted forms and walked infront of him

"why hello" techno smiled, he made himself look as presentable as possible
"uh- hi" the boy let out a nervous laugh
"you seem lost"
"not lost, i'm going home"
"Whats your name?"
"Well tommy, i'm not exactly sorry for what i'm about to do" techno chuckled
"what are-" tommy stumbled back as techno bit into him falling to the floor with a terrifying shriek.


a few hours had passed and techno has taken tommy back to the cave, the boy was scared and shaken, he refused to look at him.

"Tommy, i have a mission for you. If you don't complete it, there will be severe consequences." techno said as he sharpened his blade looking up to the terrified boy

the boy nodded.




what does techno want tommy to do?

will techno do something bad?

what about niki, fundy, ranboo and tubbo?

are dream and george involved in this?

anything additional you wanna add?

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