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Katsuki POV

Damn Izuku, why did you use your last quirk to send us back to base leaving you, why didn't I realize his plan when I saw him smile at me and the others? why does he always sacrifice himself for others? why do heroes consider someone as good as Izuku to be a villain whose nickname is better given to the hero himself?

I wanted to save Izuku but he asked me not to save him because it could make my aunt and the others in trouble, Aki, Shio, and the children even the wolves looked devastated by Izuku's capture, tv reported the attack and said the hero had captured one of the villains who dangerous during the assault and I knew that what Villain was referring to was Izuku.

Auntie closed the cafe for a few days with the excuse that she was going out of town and the cafe had several people who said they wanted to help Izuku because those people had been saved by Izuku before, they helped us peacefully save Izuku, namely by spreading their statement videos who was saved by Izuku on the internet and with the help of some of the parents of the children Izuku saved. The video was broadcast on TV and they even brought infamous people who have a lie detector quirk to witness the authenticity of the stories of the children Izuku saved.

The video of the statement of the children who were rescued by Izuku spread all over the world and became trending on the internet, many people provided help with their way of spreading the video and even the government helped by saying they would release Izuku because he did not have a criminal record even they also gave The punishment for the TV station that says Izuku is a villain and everyone attacks the heroes because it is reported that Izuku is in a coma due to the attack from the hero, they attack the heroes by saying how bad their heroes are by attacking a 17-year-old boy into a coma and not even letting the child it was hospitalized for safety reasons.

I was very surprised by all of that, in just 1 week many people helped Izuku and defended him Some of them even sent money and assistance to his family, UA as the one who detained Izuku who was in a coma had live talks on TV in a few hours again and there will be several people from the hero association who will talk with the UA staff at the conversation, Old Hag and Old man will come soon because they want to see the conversation with aunt and others.

we were all going to watch the talk at the base with the kids and the wolves and I could see the boys looked sad because they couldn't meet their chests and the wolves got discouraged during training because their master was arrested when the talk was about to start we all sat together in the training room looking at the projectors plugged into the tv.

when life began to appear there were Nezu and several other heroes and several people in neat clothes, the conversation was opened by a reporter who asked a question about why Izuku should not be taken to the hospital even though he was in a coma and there were no tools to treat comatose at UA.

"We take good care of Zu and we have someone with a healing quirk so we can take care of Zu ourselves" Nezu answered the question and the reporter asked again.

"You mean Recovery Girl? As far as I know, Recovery Girl can heal people using the person's own energy but Izuku is in a state of unconscious or Coma, the energy she has is not much so Recovery Girl can fully heal her, and I never heard of anyone. with the Healer Quirk again at UA "the reporter asked.

"We are working with someone and now Zu is doing well," Nezu answered and the reporter asked again. Nezu's face became annoyed but the other reporters just waited patiently.

After that the reporters asked a few more questions and UA answered all the questions, the live lasted more than 2 hours and UA still didn't want to tell why Izuku was not allowed to be treated at the city hospital, several reporters asked that the hero who made Izuku Koma detained by the government and his hero's license is revoked and he has to go back to school for 3 years to get his hero license back because heroes shouldn't put people into comas even though he is a Villain unless the villain is proven to have killed intentionally and cannot be changed.

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