9). Together

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Izuku POV

It's been a month since I returned to live with my family plus a few children that I saved, because the more children I care for I don't remember all their names and I train Riku, Rumi, Rika, Ran, and Rai and 2 more children named Kai, and Ren is to look after the other kids.

Riku, Rumi, and Rika I taught medical science, Ran and Ren taught me how to shoot weapons, I taught Rai how to become a scientist because of his intelligence, and I taught Kai to be an informant like me, so my group had 10 guards namely Iru, Rai, and Rin as melee fighters, Riku, Rumi, and Rika as medical, Ran and Ren as long-distance, Rai as a researcher, and Kai as informants and they all have their own advantages and I changed Overhaul's offer to my group will help instead of working with him and the group I am the Vigilance group.

My group collaborates with heroes and villains (only to Overhaul's group) and Mother runs a cafe and some of the children I save become waiters and help mothers cook and my family's cafe is famous for children's cafes, I and the Bakugo family haven't had time to meet because I'm too focused By helping Overhaul perfect the quirk busting drug and in the end the drug was complete and Overhaul made an agreement that we would become an alliance and he would make and distribute us some drugs and I gave his group help and information in return.

I trained Aki and Shio how to fight without using quirk just in case and I also trained them how to use their quirk better and gave some tips, I kept looking for information about LOV but I only got information that I already knew and I often came to the black market to buy some weapons and information.

Overhaul already knows that I didn't experiment with the kids I bought on the black market and he understood why I did that, I gradually expanded my base or cafe to the underground, and I had planned my base which would be in the basement of the cafe. and Overhaul helped me by sending some of his men to help me make my base.

now under the cafe, there is a training ground, lab, medical room, and a room for the children that I saved, Mother always says she is proud of me for saving children who are sold on the black market and every child I save I always tell you something same, "you will stay with me and others as children, my brother, and you can choose your own path, I will not force you to work but I will appreciate your help" and all the children call me brother and I have not only saved children with animal quirk, I care for children with various quirk and I help them develop their abilities.

now I'm in my lab to try some experiments that are in my notebook until I was told Overhaul will visit me with Eri, he wants to see my base and talk about something said one of Overhaul's men, I told Mother and the others and cafe closed for a while.

When Overhaul came I greeted him and directed him to my underground base and when we arrived at my base he was surprised by the many children there, some were training, talking to each other, cleaning the base, and when some children were approaching us, they asked who the person with me and I answered he was my boss and his daughter.

"I didn't expect you to care for this many kids," Overhaul said.

"I often go to the black market to find goods and information and I always save 1 child at least every time I go to the black market, now I care for more than 20 children with various quirks and abilities," I said and I showed the way to my private room.

"So what do you want to talk about sir," I said as I sat on a chair with Overhaul.

"I want you to train some new men in my base, they have a strong quirk but they are very bad at using it" Overhaul said.

"I can do that, I'll come with some kids tomorrow morning, and Eri how are you progressing in using your quirk?" I said and looked at Eri.

"I'm starting to be able to use my quirk but I still can't control it," Eri said.

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