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Izuku POV

Katsuki has been studying at UA and LOV for more than a week looking for information about UA in the Underworld the last few days, I suspect they have plans to attack UA because All Might teaches there and LOV hates All might until they want to kill him, I and Overhaul have not spoken since I found liquid R was in the Overhaul area and the black market was closed and all the items there were mostly in my group because I felt that I could use these items in the future so a few days ago I took some kids to the black market and pick up goods stuff that's in there.

I decided to talk to Overhaul again about liquid R which I would say Drug is too dangerous and very difficult to remove the side effects and just a waste of our time, when I arrived at Overhaul headquarters it seemed like something had happened Overhaul headquarters because there were so many guards at the base. even more than the last time I was here.

I met Overhaul and he looked confused and I asked what happened he said because the black market disappeared he lost a source of money and his group suffered a huge loss because of that and the traders on the black market all went out of town, he also said that the culprit who made the liquid R was dead because he injected the liquid R into himself and the overhaul lost 10 of his men to kill the maker.

Overhaul asked how the progress of my research regarding fluid R and I answered that liquid R could not be repaired and would only waste our money and time and Overhaul sighed, after telling him I returned to base and I got 2 messages from Kai about LOV wanting to do it trade with me and they want to offer my group a job.

I sent a message to Kai to receive it and I asked Kai for a meeting time and place, after a few minutes Kai sent a name for a place that is in a bad part of the city and I took half an hour from the base and the meeting will be held today at 4 pm.

I sent a message to Kai I will go with 7 of my men and use a car, Kai replied LOV agreed to that, and like the previous meeting Kurogiri would move us to the base from the meeting place, I accelerated my way to the base and I called Ran, Ren, Hiro, Kaze, Aki, and Shio to meet with me in my office to discuss work and after a few minutes they were already in my office and I said that we will go to meet LOV 2 hours from now and I asked them to prepare.

after they went to get ready I used my costume which I had changed a little by adding a tool that could change my voice so I didn't have to burden my voice when I was a trade or a job, I also turned both pistols into long-range pistols and I brought a 7 cm blade. which I put on my left leg.

after all ready I went to where I parked the car and waited for the others to come, after a few minutes they came in their full uniforms and we went to the meeting place, when I got there I waited for Kurogiri to come and after a few minutes left kirogiri came and he moved we went to the base.

"From what I received from my subordinates you have 2 businesses with me, which one do you want to discuss first?" I ask.

"We want to do the trade first" replied Shigaraki.

"Ok sir, what do you want to know?" I ask.

"information about UA, do you have it?" Shigaraki asked.

"I have information about the safety, the teacher there, the principal, students, and the structure of the building" I replied.

"We want to know everything, we will pay for the information we don't know," Shigaraki says, how is that? You can lie and say everything I say you already know and you get free information.

"Sorry, I can't do that, I don't have a lie detector quirk so I don't know if you are lying or not and this trade is very costly for me," I said and Shigaraki looks annoyed and the tv behind him is on.

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