~Chapter 14~

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Today's the day of organisation for the festival. Before the organisation starts, we're all gathered together at the school hall for the announcement of the rules.

"Good morning everyone! Today, you all are going to work together as a team that I listed and make our school beautiful. Before the event starts, here are some important rules that you need to obey. Everyone take out your notes and pen to jot down these rules."

With that, everyone took out their notes and pens and got ready to listen. The teacher cleared his throat first before continued.

"First! You all must work together as a team and not make any fuss or order other students to do your job. You must know, the reason I paired you all as groups in different classes and years is because I want all of you to cope with the new members."

"Second! Do not sneak any food or secretly eat food during the event. The lunch time will start at 12 o'clock to 12:30 o'clock. There will be 30 minutes for you to eat and rest so please be patient if you're hungry or tired."

"Third! Other teams cannot talk to each other with another team. Your team, your responsibility. So if any teacher catches you talking with another team, you'll be under detention after school ends for 3 hours, on next Monday. You can only talk with other teams at lunch time."

"Fourth! Every group will have their teacher, so if you have any questions that you need to ask, ask your teacher. Also, the school ended at the same time as the original school schedule."

"That's it for the announcement, thank you so much for attending and listening. You all may get into your groups and start the organisation. All the teachers are right here, holding up the team's number. So, go to your team and the teacher will tell you all what to do. Alright, you may go now."

*Geez... the announcement so was long😂*

We all thanked the teacher for his announcement before parting our ways and went to group up with our own teams. You immediately noticed your team since they're tall and big. Also, Atsumu was shouting your name and waving his hands at you.

"(Y/N), over here!" He exclaimed happily. You don't know what makes him that happy. You smiled and went to them.

"Hey guys!" You greeted and they greeted back.

"Alright Team 7, let's start our job!" Our teacher, Mr. Takai said.


"Good, now let's head to our destination, class 1-1." He said and with that, our team all went to that class.

Once we arrived, the teacher gathered us again because he wanted to tell us what we needed to do.

"Okay! Now that we're here, I need to assign you all for your duties here. So (the two other teammates name), you two sweep the floor. Osamu and (L/N), you two clean the windows. Lastly, Atsumu and Suna, both of you moved the tables and chairs to the side and wiped them. Do this job for now, after you've finished, I'll assign you different members and duties."

The six of us yelled "Hai!" and went to do our duties. Osamu and you went to the side of the windows and he handed you the towels that were prepared by the school for us to clean the windows.

I Guess You're Special | Inarizaki + Semi Eita x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now