~Chapter 18~

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You were on your way out of the school gate, carefully walking little by little because of the injured leg. You stop when you hear someone calling out your name.

"(Y/N)!" The voice called out loudly.

You whipped your head towards the voice and saw Akagi standing at the gym door and waved his hands up high. With the loud call of Akagi, almost all the Inarizaki team excitedly went to the door, wanting to see you.

The team members all crowded at the door when you waved back at Akagi. They motioned you to come towards them so you did. You did notice there's a random school bus parked in front of the school gates, your guess was that another school had come to the school.

"What's up guys~" You greeted once you were in the gym with them crowding around you.

"Nothing much, say (Y/N), do ya wanna stay and watch us practice?" Atsumu said with puppy eyes.

"We promised we'll take you back home safely." Kita said with a small smile on his face.

"Hmm..." The girl hesitated, fingers on your chin as you think. "I guess I'll watch yer guys since I'd got nothing to do at my apartment."

The team cheered before giving a path for you to walk and sit on the bench. You decided to sit on the second floor but you got dragged with muscular arms that wrapped around your neck, taking you to sit beside Coach Kurosu.

You pouted and tried giving reasons but the team just shrugged and didn't listen to what you were saying. You then convince the coach, but he only smiled and patted your head softly.

Just then, a certain voice called out to you.


They all, including you, turned to the voice and as soon as you saw who it was, your eyes widened.


Apparently, the other random school bus belongs to the Shiratorizawa volleyball team. And the school got invited to practice with the Inarizaki volleyball team.

Several minutes ago before you appear, they were all busy doing stretching. Until Akagi saw you and called out to you.

When your names were called, Semi's eyes widened and that didn't go unnoticed by his teammates.

"Oh~ Semisemi, what's with the shocked face~?" Tendou cooed beside Semi.

"Don't call me that!" He said before glancing at the direction of the door, which was crowded with the Inarizaki team and he noticed a shadow walking in, which he assumed was the girl named (Y/N).

(Y/N), the girl that he knows.

As Semi's eyes looked in the crowded direction, his teammates also looked in that direction.

When their team gives you a pathway, that's when Semi finally saw your face. His jaw dropped a little and his eyes wide open, also following your figure.

Semi's teammates glanced at Semi to see that his facial expression gave off a I-just-saw-an-angel look or something. In other words, his astonishing face.

"Semi-san, do you know the girl or something?" Shirabu asked bluntly.

"Yeah Semi-senpai, why are you staring at her? Your eyes didn't break from her once she was in our view." Goshiki said.

"Huh? Uh..." Semi had finally realised that he had been staring at you for long. "Uhh... I do know her."

"Who is she?" Ushijima asked with a blunt face.

I Guess You're Special | Inarizaki + Semi Eita x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now