~Chapter 37~

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♡ Suna's Ending ♡

You never knew how this feeling could get to you. A weird... love feelings... towards Suna.

After the day Suna had saved you from the stranger attack (in chapter 32), he asked you out. You did tell him to wait for your answer which he understands but he still wanted to take you out on a date. You have no choice but to accept it. Though, he didn't tell you when or where.

Now, it is around 8 o'clock in the evening, and out of nowhere he appeared at your apartment door. He had his signature smirk and a skateboard on his one hand.

"Suna?! What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" You asked worriedly, mainly because you were scared that his parents would scold him.

He chuckles. "Don't worry, don't worry, my parents know that I'm always out during the night because I'm skating. It's kind of my habit so they know." He gently took your hand. "So, are you ready?"

You looked at him cluelessly. "Ready for what?"

He looked at you with a smirk. "For our date."

With that, he helped you take your apartment keys and your phone before holding your hands and got out of the apartment building. You were thinking why the heck did Suna take you out on a date in this period of time? Out of morning and afternoon, he chooses night time.

The two of you were now outside on the street, no one was around but only cars that went by. Suna settled his skateboard down and jumped on it, then stretched his hand out towards you.

"Hop on, I have a place that I need to show you." He said.

"Ehh?! On the skateboard? No thanks." You declined his offer.

"It's fine, besides," He moved closer to your face. "I won't let you get hurt."

You backed away from his face, blushing before slowly getting on the skateboard. His body was big and your body was small so there's enough room for the two of you. He stands behind you while you're on the front, he wants to secure you from the back and also get the chance to back hug you.

The ride using the skateboard begins. Like he said, he would never let you get hurt or injured, and it wasn't a lie. You both got to the place safe and sound, nobody was injured. Suna was an expert on rolling skateboards, which is why the trip was safe.

Both of you arrived at a short hill. He helped you slowly get off the skateboard, like a gentleman he is. He holds your small hands again and leads you to wherever the place is.

"U-uhm... w-where are we going exactly?" You nervously said, feeling anxious about where he was taking you out in the dark.

"It's a secret, and don't be scared. I promised you, it was a beautiful place." He softly reassured you. He received a trusty nod from you before continuing guiding you.

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