~Chapter 16~

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Crowley and Sakura decided to separate with the team and have fun for themselves.

Actually, it was Sakura's idea.

She wanted to spend alone time with Crowley and took this opportunity to confess her love to him. She'd been thinking about this the whole day and night since yesterday and she decided to just let it out.

After they've bought their food and stuff, Sakura suggested they should go to the rooftop and admire the view there while enjoying their food. And Crowley agrees so they went to the rooftop, where Crowley confessed his love to you but sadly got rejected.

"Wow! It's so beautiful isn't it?" Sakura said in amazement. The environment was beautiful, the lights, the people, the stalls, everything.

Crowley nodded while chewing his dango. "It is."

Sakura now feels nervous. She wanted to confess right now since they're alone at the rooftop. She wanted the help from you, she wanted you to stay with her but she couldn't because of your sudden injury.

'Alright! You got this Sakura!' She thought.

"There will be fireworks in around 5 minutes right?" Crowley asked which almost started Sakura.

"O-oh, right!" She answered almost stuttering.

"Good thing that you suggested we go here, 'cause this will be the best view to see the fireworks."

"Mmmhmm..." Sakura hummed while looking at him.

The way he chewed the dango was so adorable, his face puffed like a chipmunk. His eyes were focusing on the sky, patiently waiting for the fireworks.

"Hmm... I wish (Y/N) would be with us and watch the fireworks together..." Crowley suddenly muttered, which surprised Sakura.

She was indeed hurt by Crowley's words, but also she doesn't want to admit it. She wants Crowley to miss her, as well.

"Crowley," She called out to him while looking him in the eyes. Crowley looked back at her and hummed in respond. "Do you like (Y/N)... in a romantic way?"

Crowley paused at what he was doing, then slowly put down his dango and faced to the front again.

He sighed and gulped down the dango that was inside his mouth. "Let me tell you this and you don't have to keep it a secret. It's fine with it." Sakura nodded so he continued. "Yesterday, before we went home, I told you that I had something to do and told you to go home first, right?" She nodded again.

"Well... you're right about me liking her in a romantic way." She widened her eyes and tried to hold back her tears. "So I decided to confess my feelings for her... but she rejected me."

Sakura clasped her hands to her mouth. "W-why?" She asked, although she was relieved that you didn't accept him.

'Thank you (Y/N), for keeping your promise.' She thought in her mind.

"She said that she had a reason for it and she told me that..." He paused for a second and glanced at Sakura. She raised her eyebrows and gave him a confused look. "She said that one of her friends likes me."

Sakura once again widened her eyes but before he could ask anything, the fireworks started. They both looked at the fireworks direction and admired it.

But Sakura wasn't admiring the fireworks for long, she glanced at Crowley like he was the perfect one that she wanted to admire the most.

The colourful fireworks were beaming to him, his eyes sparkled and he had a smile plastered on his face. He looks so perfect, so fine. And this is her perfect chance to confess her feelings for him, so she decided to do it right now.


Crowley looked at her and saw that she was already looking at him with a small smile on her face.


She hesitated for a moment before leaning a bit close to Crowley. "The friend that (Y/N) told you that likes you... was me."

Crowley widened his eyes. "The friend that liked me for more than a month was you?"

She nodded. "Yes!"

They looked at each other's eyes with the fireworks in the background for dramatics.

Crowley had realised it now, the way Sakura kept wanting him to pay attention to her, the way she stuttered a lot when talking with him, the way she looked at him and the way she was being nice to him. But all

Crowley thought about before, was to approach you because he was in love with you.

"O-oh..." He muttered before looking down. Sakura looks at him confusingly, she thought that she might get rejected. "You must be jealous right?"

She blinked a few times and tilted her head sideways. "Huh? What do you mean?" She asked.

Crowley looks up to her. "You must be jealous because I keep on focusing on (Y/N) and not you..."

"Did you notice that I tried to give you hints?" She asked.

"I-, now I noticed... I'm sorry..."

She shakes her head and gently holds his hands. "Don't be, those hints I actually learned from (Y/N)."

He raised his eyebrows. "(Y/N) gives you advice?"

She nodded. "Yup! She's a good advisor!" He nodded slowly. "So... will you go out with me?"

Crowley didn't instantly answer, he was thinking hard. He now knows that a friend of yours that likes him so much was Sakura and he also knows that you had been giving advice to Sakura for her to approach him.

He didn't want your advice and Sakura's hard work to go to waste.

"I'm gonna think about it carefully," He said, looking at Sakura. "But anyways, thanks for telling me that you liked me."

She smiled and sighed in relief that Crowley wasn't gonna reject her straight away. "You're welcome, so are we still friends?"

"Sure, just wait for me okay?"

"I will always wait for you. Just take your time and don't stress out about it."

He nodded and then continued to talk about something else and enjoying their food and view.

- - -

Yahoo~ This chapter we're gonna go real smooth ayy 😏 Just kidding, I wanted a specific chapter about Sakura x Crowley, so that's why this chapter is a bit short.

1052 words...

Thank you so much for being patient and wait for me to update, I love you all🥺❤️

💕Thank you for reading~💕


I Guess You're Special | Inarizaki + Semi Eita x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें