Chapter 31: lucid dreamer

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⚠️There is spoken of exorcism⚠️

"Hold the fuck up. So you're telling me my sisters eyes changed colors and she suddenly gained a lot of strength?" Harvey asked confused.


"You're mental. Go get n sip of water and tell me the story again." He suggested. I went to the bathroom and rinsed my face of with water. I went back but no one was there. All I saw was Harper on the floor and there was one of those hell symbols under her. There was blue foamy liquids dripping from her mouth and her eyes were wide open, like she was sacrificed.

"Quinton.." I heard someone call. "QUINTON!" I jumped back to reality. I looked at my surroundings and I was in a chair at the hospital.

"Dude! You were shaking like crazy are you okay?" Harvey asked.

"Where's Harper? Is she okay?" I immediately want to know.

"She's in here she just woke up. Her heart stopped beating for a minute but they got her back it's been like a hour now and she's awake. She wants to see you." He said. I jumped up and walked into the room her mom was sitting next to her holding her hand. Talking to her. She had oxygen pipes up her nose and a drip on her arm.

"Hey.. it's me. The guy who almost killed you." She looked to the side and chuckled at my joke. I just stood there awkwardly.

"Come over here you awkward idiot!" She said opening her arms for a hug. I ran over and held her tight.

"I'm glad you're okay" I whispered.

"Now I can say 'I'm Harper Jones I can survive anything! Even death can't take me down!' " she said. I just chuckled.

"Yeah that's the spirt!" I said.

Harper's POV:

Wow what a year?

It's been a 5 months since the accident and everything's gone back to normal. We're at sway LA and Quinton pulls me aside. He takes a little box out of his pocket and opens it.

"Harper Jones. This is a promise ring I bought you. I love you Harper. More than I do myself and I promise to you that I will protect and look after you until the day I die no matter how much you hate me or love me."

"I love you Quinton Griggs." I say as I kiss him passionately.

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