44. Counting Solivagant Stars

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A/N: Beware, there is a bit of violence/graphic content that may upset some readers.

Blemishing, with a blanked expression of shock, Eagle whirled around to face Senku; for a split second, a cold, rampant anger flashed in his eyes welling up,

"A... political act of retaliation?"

"Targeting the core body of the Ark, back then, had always been their primary objective," Senku responded emotionally. "Even... at the cost of innocent lives."

"If you're in such great danger, why to join our side, knowing we're in war versus the ones who swore your loss, decades ago?" Gwendoline inquired.

"They've stolen away from me my happiness and my home, besides ripping apart any of people's hopes for change. That's why I'm willing to ally forces with you."

"Seeking for revenge?" Gwendoline asked. "That'd only get you killed."

"I have since made up my mind. The memory of my lost ones, dead or alive, lives deep within my heart, wherever they are. If two of my children survived, time will come for us to reunite after this war versus the Coalition's jingoism is over."

In the pained, strained expression painting over Gwendoline's face, I could read she felt her role to watch over Eagle, whom she cared after in hopes to support him through gaining his memories back, ended there. Hands clutched over her lap, she showed a side of her who appeared to have feelings and concerns, aside from her usual cold-hearted self: all masks fell apart when she, too, showed her weaknesses. A spark of indignation flashed in her eyes, looking straight at Senku,

"In the unforgiving era of the Exodus, some of humanity survived Chaos miraculously, children of the sea, wishing upon reuniting with their loved ones. In this day and age, when the Neo-Coalition's ethnocentrism takes the lives of many, shouldn't you take back what the Coalition snatched away from you, before it's too late?" she asked all of a sudden.

"Until the war opposing the Rebellion to the Neo-Nationalists is over, I wouldn't want our reunion to turn into a very fond farewell; until then, just knowing them alive is enough to fill my heart with joy and relief," Senku replied, sketching a pale smile.

A heavy silence ensued his answer, as the eyes of the Hummingbirds bearing witness to the conversation turned downwards. Most, if not all, of them, through rain and sunshine, once had to cope with the pain of loss; I knew for sure that, beyond our altruistic motives, the death of a loved one or a comrade gave you a reason to wage war against the Party's executives.

I then realised that them, as well as Gwendoline, should respect Senku's wish, however it wasn't Gwendoline's intention, scowling fiercely at him,

"You'd selfishly assume you should wait until this war's over to reunite with them? If you truly cared for them, wouldn't you look forward to meeting them again after four decades passed?"

In before any of us stopped her from speaking her mind, Eagle rose up from his wheelchair, staggering on his feet. "Eagle don't..." she decried. Firmly, he grabbed on her arm, tightening grip to stop her from flailing around. His eyes, usually of an unfazed hazel brown, livened up,

"Shouldn't you respect at least Senku's decision? As long as the Party persecutes its fiercest detractors, nobody involved in this war, moreover, partaking in the Rebellion, can tell what the future holds, victory or tragedy. Besides, everybody affiliated to the Rebellion is in the Black Police's target line. In this regard, you do understand you'd better know your place, right?"

"As far as I'm concerned, selflessness, self-sacrifice and self-denial are very different forms of abnegation," Gwendoline replied.

"Let's not create unnecessary conflict among ourselves, or else we'll fall apart before fulfilling our objective," Senku tempered. "While the Party is still in power, it'd be egoistical of me to ask for the favour of meeting again with my children, knowing that any of us may live or die tomorrow."

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