Chapter 6: Forest 37

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She took a deep breath and then nodded. ''Fine I will take care of it, do you know what type of Pokemon it is?''

The old man shook his head. ''Sorry but no, I wasn't very familiar with the Pokemon that produce that egg. It came from another region so I couldn't really tell you.''

The girl was dissapointed but she nodded nonetheless. As they continue to walk toward the river she turned her attention to the Marill on her head. ''Why are you always on my head Splash?''

''I like it I can so much further ahead like this! Am I making you uncomfortable?'' Paradox smiled and shook her head.

''No It's alright you're really not that heavy. But wouldn't you rather be with your mother? You went with me to save her after all.''

''Yeah but after this we won't see each other so I thought we could be together one last time.'' The blonde nodded and felt a sadness in her heart as she realised this would be the last time they would be together.

Finally they arrived at the river. Both Elliot and Paradox smiled as the Marill and Azumarill jumped in the water and created a splash that rippled throught the water. Then the two water Pokemon resurfaced and waved at the two humans. Paradox waved back and tried hided her tears as she walked away. Seeing this Elliot smiled sympathetically. ''You did the right thing Paradox she will be much more happier with her mother.''

She only nodded too afraid that she would cry if she opened her mouth. As they walked away the Marill looked at them go sadly. She didn't know why she felt so sad, she had gotten everything she wanted right? Everything was back as it should be so why did she felt like something tore her heart?

The Azumarill put a paw on the Marill and smiled. ''Go on.'' She said encouragingly.

''Huh?'' Splash asked confused.

''You arleady miss your trainer don't you? Then you should go with her.'' The little Marill gawked at her mother.

''What? B-but what about you?'' Azumarill laughed in response.

''I will be fine. Every child need to leave the nest someday. And no matter how far away you are I will always cheer you on.'' She looked back and her mother and then at the retreating girl her heart beating wildly in her ribcage.

''What are you waiting for? Your heart already know what it wants so just listen to it Marill, or should I call you Splash?'' Finally the water mouse came to a decision. She hugged her mother one last time and began to run toward her trainer as fast as her little feet could carry her.

''Wait!'' Paradox thought she heard something but then dimissed it it was probably just the wind.

''Paradox! Wait for me!'' This time she had definetly heard it. The blonde girl turned around and saw the Marill running toward her before she could react the Pokemon jumped on her and climbed back on her head.

''Splash?! What are you doing? Don't you want to stay with your mom?'' The Marill shook her head with a smile.

''Knowing that my mother is safe is more than enough. I know we have only known each other for a day but yesterday was the best day of my life! I used to think that I was just a weak baby Pokemon. But you trusted me Paradox, despite how young I was you trusted me and you made me much stronger. I want to stay with you and become even stronger together!''

Paradox smiled as tears slid down her face. ''Oh Splash I'm so happy! I was so sad when I though I was going to lose you but I didn't say anything because I thought you would be happier with your mother.''

Elliot smiled as the girl picked her Pokemon and they hugged each others. ''Ahh, a girl and her Pokemon. A tale as old as time.'' He decided to release both of his Pokemon. The Mareep and Chikorita looked confused at the tearful reunion that was happening in front of them.

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