57. Cold Feet Meetings!

Start from the beginning

"I need to talk with her. Where can she be?" I asked as James gave me a mischievous look.

"She is at her secret spot. But I am not allowed to tell you that her secret spot is the roof. So I don't know how you are going to find her." He said it in a fake guilty tone as I smirked at him.

"Thanks James. You are the best!" I gave him a two fingered salute as I rushed out towards the elevator.

Once I reached the roof, I looked around for her. I spotted a flash of hair near the railings. 

"Mafia leader having a secret hideout? And I thought you were not the cliché type!" I spoke out loud causing her to twirl around immediately, her look of alarm quickly turn into a soft one. 

"Who told you about this place?" She questioned, crossing her arms.

"Nobody. I am smart like that baby!" I shrugged as I stated cockily causing her to give me a bored look. 

"I know James told you Aiden. Only he knows I come here and that also because he had me tracked." She sighed, turning around.

"Well he didn't 'tell' tell me, he just didn't tell me." I chuckled as I stood beside her looking at the scenery in front of us. 

"That makes so much sense." She sarcastically replied back.

"My family is cleared by the way! I guess we can tell my mom." I piped in again as I stared at her intensely.

"Wow that's really great!" She replied in a happy tone as she continued to stare in front if her, her eyes flashing up with fear. 

I smiled lightly as I just stared in front like her as I said, "You are rubbing your thumbs again."

She looked down immediately as she shook her head.

"You scared of meeting my mom?" I finally said as she turned fully towards me.

"Pfft no! Why would you say that? Of course not!" She said way too quickly. 

"Well I am." I said truthfully causing the smile on her face to fall off.

"You are the first girl I am ever going to introduce to my mom. She knew I had shut down myself completely off relationships after what happened with her and dad. I am not sure how she would react on knowing I finally have one, she might not even trust me on it." I chuckled harshly as Arianna quietly placed her hand on mine. 

"I have never ever done something like this before, opening up to other people. I thought a relationship was overbearing but it seemed so easy with you. But then reality struck to me like lightening. It is not only between you and me, it has to be real to my reality too.
Wh- what if she doesn't like me Aiden? What if she thinks I am not worth you? Like I know I am totally not worth you but I don't want to let you go Aiden but neither do I want to have a bad impression on your mom. Now when it is finally all cleared, I can't help but feel... scared." She breathed out. 

 "I can tell you this princess that I feel the same. I can't promise that it is going to be all flowers and rainbows and lollipops every time. I can't promise bright times all the time but I can tell you this with certainty, my mom can never be a problem. Trust me on this that she is gonna absolutely adore you!" I exclaimed as she let out a heavy breath.

"You didn't like me the first time we met. She is your mom. How can you be sure she is gonna like me?" She spoke breathlessly as I turned her body towards me.

"If I hadn't liked you the first time we met then I don't think I would have ever followed you back like a stalker." I chuckled as she let out a short laugh.

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