Pathway: Just Write

1K 40 53

Below you will find all the tasks of the writing pathway, divided by level of difficulty.

Note: The mentioned wordcounts are only for your convenience. Write whatever number of words you need to complete the story. However, obviously, if you're going for a novella but your story ends up as only 6000 words, that's more of a short story, so you should give yourself the amount of XP you'd get for a short story, not a novella.

Very easy – 1 XP:

- Write a one-sentence story idea

- Write a title

- Describe a (new) character in one sentence

- Write a goal for any character

- Come up with a new world and write down the single biggest difference between that world and ours

- Re-write a paragraph without changing its meaning

Easy – 2 XP:

- Write a diary entry of your day

- Write a prompt

- Write a logline for your own story or a story you know well

- Describe feeling angry

- Describe feeling sad

- Describe feeling in love

- Describe feeling happy

- Describe feeling scared

- Describe the room you currently find yourself in

- Write a joke

- Write a blurb (for your own story or any story you know well enough)

- Create a blog

- Write a scene consisting only of dialogue, without dialogue tags. There should be a clear distinction between the voices of the characters, so that it's always clear who's talking.

- Include all five senses (hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell) in a scene that you're writing   

Medium – 5 XP:

- Write a summary of a new plot (500-1000 words)

- Write a summary of a new character (500-1000 words)

- Write a summary of a new world (500-1000 words)

- Write an outline for a new story (about 2000 words)

- Write a very scary scene

- Write a very funny scene

- Write a very sad scene

- Write out an "interview" with one of your main characters, in which they tell you about their life before the story started

- Write a flash fiction (about 1000 words)

- Write a drabble (exactly 100 words)

- Write a short story (about 5000 words)

- Write a short story OR chapter in your Work-In-Progress focussing specifically on an aspect you struggle with (for example: descriptions, dialogue, world building, etc.)

- Rewrite a fairytale in the form of a short story (about 5000 words)

- Enter into a short story competition

- Edit your short story

- Find a random prompt in our Prompts chapter and write a short story for it

- Write a blog post or article on any creative writing topic

- Write a blog post or article on any other topic

- Write a short story based on the last song you've listened to

- Write a poem

Hard – 10 XP:

- Write a novella (about 30.000 words)

- Enter into the open novella contest (and participate until the end; finish that novella)

- Edit your novella

- Find a random prompt in our Prompts chapter and write a novella for it

- Write a film script or TV show script

Legendary – 50 XP:

- Write a full-length novel

- Find a random prompt in our Prompts chapter and write a novel for it

- Edit your novel

Note: We are open to adding new tasks. Let us know if you come up with any and we might just add them to the list.

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