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 Once upon a time in a faraway land, there was a beautiful castle built of crystal and pristine white marble. It was settled far into the depths of the Moonbriar Forest, a flourishing wood full of flora and fauna you couldn't find anywhere else in the world, renowned and exclusive to Moonbriar alone.

Within the huge palace lived the Oma family, a hugely important royal bloodline that ruled over a mighty kingdom. It stretched from the foothills to the mountains to the sea, and at the very center rested their castle, nestled away in the forest.

Their kingdom was by far the largest and most powerful in all of the land, formidable and strong, crushing anyone who stands in their way. It was an incredible ally to those who made peace with it and a terrifying enemy to those who didn't. Many sought to overthrow it and claim it's power for their own, but not a single kindgdom had managed to win so much as a minor clash against its fearsome army.

The family consisted of the king, Enjiro, and his wife, who had kept steady rule for almost 70 years. Under their hands, the land remained in a stable state of peace. Though at times unjust and cruel, there was a mutual respect of them among those who lived in the Oma kingdom- or perhaps fear. The king and queen had two children, a boy and a girl, Kokichi and Celestia Oma.

Kokichi, being the firstborn son, was the one destined to rule. As his parents grew older, they realized that soon the time would come that the king must pass along his duties to Kokichi with his death. His coronation was soon to come, the fateful night in which he must abandon his simple role as the prince and take his place as the king.

But their hopes were not high. His deceptive and chaotic nature made him far from their ideal son. He was the next in line to provide for the kindgom, and he was pratically a failiure- not desiring nor seeming fit for his future role as a king.

But this is not where the story begins.

In fact, where we start our tale is almost three years earlier.

A Castle in the Trees (Saiouma Fantasy AU) (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now