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Charlie: What are your thoughts on bell peppers?

Schlatt: they're the fastest flying gender

Charlie: Alright, say you see someone in public eating what seems to be an apple, except your super precise hearing hears that the crunch is a bit shorter and crisper than an apple's, and as you approach, it's actually a bell pepper. That mad lad!

Schlatt: holy shit

Ted: Well that's one way to do it

Charlie: Speaking of, there's this girl here at Taco Bell, and she looks kinda cool so I was thinking of maybe approaching her, but she also looks rather intimidating so...

Schlatt: so?

Charlie: So help me, please

Ted: Okay... have you thought of eating a bell pepper like an apple to get her attention?

Charlie: Actually, she got my attention by eating a bell pepper like an apple.
She's so inspiring.

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