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~ in which ted and schlatt are neighbors; meanwhile, charlie is in a galaxy far, far away. ~

Schlatt: ted's solution to me not waking up for this meeting was plugging his phone up to a huge aux and blasting "i like to move it" at full volume in the hallway to my room
and then dancing to it

Charlie: Oh yes

Schlatt: i wish that i'd gotten a video or something, but my next-door neighbor opened his window and started yelling at him like "whoever's playing that needs to turn it down or off or something because i have a meeting! and also it's 7:00 AM!!"
and so ted ended up making the music fade out, then he walked into my room and took the aux with him, set it down, closed the door, and just started playing it again.

Ted: It was epic.

Charlie: That's like
The Ultimate Dad Move.
You're not a dad.

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