Ch. 67: Nothing you need to worry about

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The plane ride had proved uneventful. Business class was comfortable, and it had not been a long flight, anyway. The drive from the airport was too familiar and brought back unwanted memories.

Memories he had no room for.

He did not have room for anything anymore.

His life had plummeted into an abyss of sorrow. One, he had no idea how to get out of. Yes, having his wife back overjoyed him. By God, he loved her, but... And there was a 'but', however cruel that sounded. It did not seem fair he had traded one happiness in life with another, and by doing so, he had gotten a new sorrow to live with.

Patricia grieved with him and tried to console him, telling him things would get better in time.

How the fuck would it get better?

His daughter. His beloved Mackenzie. The pride and joy of his life. His empire's future.


The only good thing in that entire mess was that Gareth and Mackenzie had gotten married, and Vittorio could leave everything to Gareth as Mackenzie's husband. He was certain Gareth would treat Vittorio's legacy with respect, even if it became Russian, and Gareth eventually would move on from Mackenzie and find a new love to share his life with.

Though, at the back of his mind, he doubted Gareth would do that. That man loved Mackenzie with a passion he wished he had possessed himself back when Patricia had left him. If only he had nutted up and gone after her and forced her to tell him why she left, maybe a lot would have been different. But no, what he had done was curl up in a self-pity ball and shut out everybody but Mackenzie.

Like a butthurt coward.

A man with his ego did not take well to being discarded like yesterday's newspaper.

Gareth, on the other hand, had taken none of Mackenzie's bullshit. He had challenged her every step of the way, and by doing that, he had won.

It was almost safe to assume that Gareth would never stop loving Mackenzie.

In all honesty, Vittorio admitted he wanted it that way. Mackenzie's love for Gareth had run so deep, and Gareth's was borderline obsessive. To have a man love her to his dying day would be a beautiful memory of the person Mackenzie had been.

Not that he wished for Gareth to be unhappy and grieving for the rest of his life. It would just be a beautiful testament to a love stronger than life.

"Are you ok, Caro?" Patricia asked with worry and took Vittorio's hand, giving it a squeeze to get his attention.

They turned into the driveway of The Mansion and Vittorio tensed up, remembering that night he had seen that driveway as a salvation. It had brought hope to him.

That was then.

It no longer brought him hope.

Only anxiety.

None of them knew why Gareth had invited them to come. In honor of Mackenzie's memory, they had taken him up on the invitation. He was their son-in-law, after all. If it was a memorial service or a reading of a will they did not know of, they owed it to Mackenzie to accept Gareth's outstretched hand.

With all Gareth had gone through for her, and what his men had done for Mackenzie, showing up was the least they could do.

"I'm ok, Cara. Just nervous, you know. I'm not sure I can handle going back in there. Back where..." He choked up because it still hurt too much. The tears pressed at his eyes, and the emotions overwhelmed him every time he thought about that day when he had cried out in pain, holding his daughter's icy hand.

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