Ch. 10: Garit and Makenzy sitting in a tree...

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Gareth tried to get things done before the kids came, and he was being bested by a wooden kitchen to put in the blasted playhouse they had finally finished.

How hard could it be to put a stupid kitchen play set together? He stared at the pieces and looked at Cracker, who had the same expression of absolute confusion on his face.

"I'm not the only one who's thinking a trip to Sweden to kill a few IKEA people would be worth it, am I?" Cracker lifted the corner of his mouth in a suggestive smile, hoping to get the kill order from Gareth.

Gareth laughed. "Bro, I'm with you. How the fuck can this be legal?"

"I think it's because they're not in the union. They can piss off everybody and not have to answer to anybody."

"Nordic revenge?"

Gareth picked up the instructions and looked it over again. It might as well have been in Swedish too. "Ok, we'll invade Sweden some other day!"

Cracker nodded. "Sure thing, boss. We can do this. It's like wood and plastic. Seriously, how hard can it be? We put the bloody playhouse together."

"We did, didn't we?"

With those words, they got back to it. Cursing IKEA like drunk, angry sailors until they finally got the kitchen put together and placed inside the playhouse.

Finally, being some forty minutes later.

They both proudly stood there like they had won the universal championship in IKEA assembly.

Gods of putting shit together.

They were bulletproof at that moment, and if they had not been too embarrassed about the time they had spent, they would have pounded their chests and roared.

Gareth lit a cigarette and grabbed the soda Cracker handed him. He never smoked around the kids, so he had to get his fill before they came back, and he desperately needed the nicotine boost after their grand victory.

"Jace," he called.

"Yeah, boss?" Jace came over and grabbed a cigarette himself. He fist-bumped Cracker on their assembly success before he turned his attention to Gareth.

"Did Mackenzie get everything she needed?"

"She got everything I could provide, but I don't think she got everything she needs."

"What? What does she need that you couldn't get her?"

Gareth was ready to rip off heads in 0.02 seconds. What Mackenzie needed, she sure as hell would get on his watch. If Jace had slacked off, there were worse jobs than pickup duty.

Jace shot a glance at Cracker, who grinned widely behind Gareth's back when Jace wiggled his eyebrows at Gareth. "Boss, I mean no disrespect, but boy, you can be a dense fucker at times."

Catching on to Jace's wiggling eyebrow insinuations, Gareth rolled his eyes. "Remind me to punch your lights out when I have the energy," he snarled.

The surrounding guys chuckled but instantly stopped when Gareth sent them one of his 'I dare you to continue' glares.

"Just go see her. You'll gain no points standing here like an indecisive teenager."

Gareth grumbled under his breath. "Jace, one of these days..."

"Yeah, yeah. One of these days, you'll kick my ass. Or you'll thank me. Whichever comes first, it'll be worth it." Jace waved him off.

Gareth growled with annoyance.

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