Ch. 8: As in go love himself?

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Gareth kissed Mackenzie's temple as if what he had just said was a promise.

Then he dragged her away from there, through the crowd, which parted for them, assisted by Dimitri and Piotr, who were on them like the bodyguards Gareth had them there to be.

"I want those three mingers banned from all my clubs for three months, get names and pictures and send them out," Gareth barked at Dimitri, who nodded in acceptance and clicked his communications device to inform his team leader of Gareth's orders.

Some spectators gave Gareth small accepting pats on his shoulder as he walked by, and a few applauded. Mainly, people smiled in proud acknowledgment of his actions.

Usually, Gareth would not have liked that people touched him, he appreciated their sentiments at that time, though.

"Gareth," Mackenzie said, trying to turn to face him.

"Not now."

"Yes, now, Gareth. Please. It's important!"

He kept her locked in his arm and guided her back to the lobby and outside. There, he held up his hand to let the guys know he wanted privacy and took her back to the alley from last time.

"Ok, what's so important?" he asked irritably when they were alone.

"Thank you for what you did in there," Mackenzie said with sweetness and genuine gratitude. Gareth was a proud man, and he deserved recognition for what he had done. "But I could have bitch slapped those tramps by myself."

Gareth just tapped her chin with his finger, letting her know he was not pleased with her language, even if he would do nothing about it.

"And?" He easily sensed she had more to tell him.

"You can't go around telling people we're a couple."

"They're just words?" Her tone made him instinctively defensive. There was something he was missing. He had felt rather valiant coming to her aid, and it had felt gratifying to see those stupid hags crumble.

"I know, but you can't. We're not, and I don't want our connection commonly known."

Taking a step back, Gareth stared at her in disbelief. "What?"

Their Connection?

She made no sense to him. How had he ended up as the bad guy in what had happened?

"I mean it Gareth, any association with you can land me in trouble."

"You mean with your father? I know the Russians and the Italians won't exactly rejoice, but it's not like we're getting married, we're just friends. At least I hope we'll be again."

"Just friends? So, you don't want to fuck me into submission anymore?" Mackenzie said coldly, letting him know she knew exactly what he was after.

His eyes flared with anger - and desire. "You know I do. Hell, Mackenzie. I want to fuck you seven ways 'til Sunday. I want to hurt you, make you scream, and I want to make you mine. You think I can deny that?"

Gareth breathed heavily to calm himself. Fuck, she annoyed him, making his attempt to help her become something he felt bad about.

"But that's between you and me. Friendship shouldn't be something we can't show the public."

"I can't be your friend, Gareth."

"Why?" In frustrated moves, Gareth ran his fingers through his hair. He needed to do something with his hands to keep him from shaking her to her senses. They could be friends. Neither the Russians nor the Italians had rules against friendships.

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