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No proofreading.
Forgive my grammatical errors.


Forth and Beam start leaving with Ming and kit as per Ming's Dad order.

Ming is one of the happiest person on earth to take care of his favourite P and his lover.

Ming cleaned his apartment thoroughly so that Beam won't get any kind of infection or other problem.

Kit helped him whole heartedly.

Both of them were very happy to provide accomodation to their favourite people.

Beam start  Beaming with pregnancy glow these days.

Phana applied for his online classes and home schooling activities.

Phana  and Kit took charge of Beam's studies while Forth's friends take care of other necessities.

Forth leisurely passed his next semesters and complete his model project with support of Beam.

Beam gave every part of himself to Forth so that they can make their future together.
Forth was satisfied with his decision having Beam as his life partner as he see at each and every day how Beam proved himself for their love.

With Beam's pregnancy sometimes they  run into fights, snapping, little here and there but at the end of the day both of them found each other in each other's embrace.

Beam took care of himself as much more mature then his age and nobody can't even imagine that it's  his first pregnancy that too the male pregnancy.


You made me proud Son.
Said Mr. Henry hugging Forth.

Forth smile showing his gum.

So you'll consider to implant this model in your company Dad?
Ask Ming getting excited.

Henry nod.

Operational head of production department will took this model in his upcoming line of models.
Said Henry turning to Beam.

Beam stood up taking Henry  hand which he extend to him.

Beam smile.

Henry caress his head and smile.

You are adorable.
He said softly.

Beam turn red and hide his smile.

They says there is a women behind every successful man.
But do you know, it is equally true that there is a true lover behind the success  of man?
Asked Henry from Beam.

Beam smile hearing this.

You didn't only took care of yourself well but also you  brace Forth and your little family together with every up and down.

Forth could be the earner of this family but Son you are the one who is backbone of this family.
Taking care of yourself with baby in your belly along with your studies and then coping up with life's up and down...its....its really commendable Baby.
Said Henry turning misty.

Beam sniffed hearing this.

I wasn't allowed to be weak Dad.
How could i be weak  when i knew that Forth and our baby needs me. How could i show my morning sickness when i need to prepare for our morning routines. You did enough Dad but we can't be this liberal to spend carelessly.
Said Beam holding Forth's arm.

Forth kiss his head.
Shhh..its ok..
You are big boy.
Shhh baby.
Said Forth.

Beam caress his six month old belly.

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