His Anger

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No proofreading.
Forgive my grammatical errors.


Forth was sitting in front of Ming's father looking at the table.

Why you didn't tell me anything?
Ask Ming's father coldly.

I want to prove myself.  I don't want to take help from anybody.
Replied Forth shortly.

Ming's father smack his head.
Shut up.
He glare Forth.

Do you  think that  it would be this easy?
Asked Mr. Haris.

But that is not my concern.  I'm still couldn't understand why you didn't tell your father that Beam is Pregnant?
He asked the most annoying question which was bothering him.

Forth looked at him and the flashback of last night start flashing in his mind.

A tear dropped from his eyes. He instantly wiped it off though.

Mr. Haris instantly stands up and hugged the grown up cry baby.

He is your Father Forth.  I know he don't like same sex relationships but you and me both  knows very well that he is dying to see your  child. He want to be grandpa for your child.
Mr. Haris tried to convince him but he refuse to listen.

Don't say anything Dad..
Forth sobbed.

He ..he slapped My Beam last night. Beam was shivering whole night in my arms. He..he had nightmare...he was constantly blaming himself in his sleep that he is the reason for all of this...
My father didn't care about my feelings. He ..he....sobbed....Forth  sobbed again with Haris continue caressing his back.

He gave me choice either Beam or him. Don't my choice  matter Dad?
He...he...abused Beam .
He even asked me to return everything. He took back my Bike. My accessories.  My ear stud too saying i...i can't have anything if i...if i choose Beam.
Today i haven't had any Single thing in my apartment to feed Beam. He blocked my all cards.
Beam was starving but didn't express his hunger. Pregnant person need food Dad. Everybody knows and he just took few bites so that i would not worry.
I don't have any place to keep my Beam.
My father has been...this..this harsh on me within one day. How am i suppose to tell him that to whom he made  starved is actually carrying his grandchild.
I will never forgive him Dad.
Beside Beam he hurt me too. He stopped my tution fees for college. He keep my child and mother of my child starving. He disowned me within one day. He even didn't try to stop me when he knew that it was heavily pouring outside in middle of night.

I...i wouldn't forgive him and i never allow him to meet my Beam and my child.
Said Forth  coldly.

Haris was listening all of this very carefully with misty eyes.

He have a long sigh.

Forth look at him for a while and then speak again.

I'm here with you sharing my pain  and happiness till you don't disclose this to my father.
The moment you say anything to him I'll leave you immediately and Never show my face to you too.
Said Forth firmly.

Haris smack his head and then pull him again in his embrace.

Stop now.  First clear your  situation.
Ming told me that you are going to stay in your friends place?
Asked Haris gently.

I don't have any place Dad.
Can you believe how much pathetic father I'm?
Asked Forth  blaming himself.

If only i could be able to earn enough.
He said hitting his fist on table.

I'm not offering you help though but i have proposal for you.
Offer Haris with businessman aura.

That is?
Asked Forth.

I'll give you  this credit card for your  daily and sundry expenses.  No need to quit college at this phase. Beam need rest not work shift. Use this  card and pay me back with interest. Till then study hard, apply for scholarship as i know you  won't allow me to pay for your fees. Complete your model project and take care of Beam. Once you graduate in one and half year, you can work with me and if your Model Project passed our standards then my company will consider you to work with  us. And for the house,  share Apartment with Ming. It is big enough to keep ten people.  Ming will be happy to be with his elder brother.
What you say?
Asked Haris still in professional tone.

Forth stand up this time and hugged him.
You don't only consider me as your son but you love me as your son too Dad.
Thankyou for helping me Dad. I'll be really grateful and will never forget what you have done for me in my harsh  time.
Said Forth with a smile.

Haris pat his head.
Don't  be stingy while using this card and here is some cash for Beam and your other expenses.
Forth try to protest but Haris stopped him.

Parenthood is not easy Forth. I'm not asking you to degrade your principles but Son, your Dad is willing to provide every facility to you and Beam so that i can have a healthy and cute grandchild.
Haris is known for his convincing attribute.
He did same with Forth.

Forth smile and nod biting his lips to not cry too much.

Forth went  to door when Haris call him again.

You forget your Key Son.
He said lovingly.

Forth abruptly turn to him with shocked face.

Which key Dad?
He asked.

Your car key.
It is dangerous for pregnant person Riding on bike.

A car will be more convenient.
He said smilingly.

Its your Car...
Forth exclaimed in shock again.

I would do same for Ming too. And Ming wouldn't refuse. You know...
And by the way I'm doing all this for my grandchild not for stupid beast like you.
Said Haris and turn to call his secretary.

He signed Forth to go while adjusting phone in between his neck and shoulder.

Forth smile and lean to kiss his palm and left.

Haris chuckled and put down phone back.

Uggghh that was not easy.
He mumbled and call Ming.

Prepare your apartment to welcome your P'Forth and P'Beam.
He said gently.

I love you Dad.
Ming said sincerely.

I know and i love you too Son. I know how much you loves your P'Forth. Now be ready to take care of your Ps. He said and cut the call with 'love you son' again.


Sorry for delaying na.
Stay happy and safe..
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