As they make their way to the living room, Fred and George eye her and Harry with curiosity. "Wanna make a bet? I'm sure he'll give his turn to Ginny," whispers Harry. Thankfully, Carina doesn't accept because as soon as they're seated, Harry next to Ginny and Carina between the twins, Charlie speaks up.

"You can have my turn, Ginevra," that comment causes Harry to turn to Carina, and Carina to snort quietly into her hand. Charlie doesn't even notice, or perhaps he just doesn't care, as Ginny picks a movie with a triumphant smile on her face. At this rate, Carina figures, it must be Ginny's turn every single Friday night.

Suddenly, before the movie even starts, Carina sees Percy stirring in his place. "You're not staying?" Carina asks Percy from her spot between Fred and George, when the boy gets up to leave. Percy is... unique. He's different from the rest of his family. He values Molly's opinion above all else, that much is clear. Always trying to please his mother, no matter the cost. He takes loyalty to a whole different level.

Molly and Arthur have already gone to bed, leaving their kids on their own. Percy shakes his head, pushing his glasses further up his nose "I'm getting ready for a job interview at the Ministry," he tells her quietly, a tiny smile etched on his face.

"Wow, no more Pinhead then! That's awesome," says Carina honestly, nodding her head. That nickname had stuck since the prank the twins pulled years ago, but Percy doesn't mind Carina calling him that. "Good luck," she adds, offering him a grin. Percy mumbles a quiet thank you before leaving his siblings, Harry and Carina to enjoy the movie on their own. Fred chuckles, his fingers sneakily grazing Carina's, a soft blush covering her cheeks. "What's funny?"

George is chatting with Bill, paying the pair no mind as Fred speaks, "Why're you so nice to Percy?" He wonders in a hushed tone, not wanting to disturb the movie for the rest of them.

"Why shouldn't I be nice to him?" Carina responds with a raised eyebrow. "He's always been nicer to me than you," She notes. Fred narrows his eyes at the subtle jab, but smiles when Carina does too, knowing she's being playful. Yes, she's made fun of Percy in the past, but then again, she's made fun of every single Weasley - apart from Ginny. That girl is truly something else.

The older twin just shrugs, pretending to bring his attention back to the movie, so Carina does the same. However, he discreetly sneaks glances over at her. His heart flutters as her nose scrunches when a character in the film does something questionable. A grin forms on his lips when Carina lets out a snort at some dumb joke. Even when he hated Carina, he could not argue with the fact that the girl is hauntingly beautiful. She is the type of beautiful that lingers in ones mind for weeks.

Fred's fingers play with Carina's, dancing around her hand, moving up to her wrist. A small giggle leaves her lips, but she stifles it against his shoulder, removing her hand from his grip. "Tickles," she murmurs against his upper arm, resting her temple there for comfort after she's regained her composure. Fred laughs breathily, shaking his head at her words. "'S not my fault," she points out, narrowing her eyes.

"Never said it was," replies Fred, still grinning. After a few minutes, Fred gets an idea, "I'm going to bed," he says, standing up. They all mumble their goodbyes, not even turning around to look at him, already too entranced by the movie. Carina raises her gaze, staring into his eyes. The wink he sends her is enough to let her know he's not planning on sleeping anytime soon.

Some minutes go by, and Carina pats George's knee, yawning dramatically, "Ginny, I'll see you upstairs. Goodnight, everyone," the rest of the family mumble their goodnights, including Harry. None of them think anything of it, or if they do, they don't make it awkward.

Before Carina can even get up from her spot on the couch, George grabs her hand, "You're not fooling me," he whispers harshly, making Carina shush him instantly. He sticks his tongue out in a playful manner. "I'm just saying, not in my bed," Carina looks around and notices nobody's watching them.

for the one i love ; fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now