"Much better" I said but I didn't miss the way his cheeks flushed.

"Thanks" he said with his mouth full of food and continued eating.

"That was some good stuff" Niall burst out. "Thanks mum and Mrs. Styles!" 

"Call me Anne" mum said.

"Okay, thanks Anne!" Niall said loudly.

"I'm sorry about him, he just get loud after he's very full. And that rarely happens" Greg apologized.

"It's nice to see a growing boy happy and full" dad said, finding Niall adorable as well.

"I'm off to sleep now!" Niall said and started climbing up the stairs.

"Thanks for the food" I said, loud enough for everyone to hear and walked up the stairs after Niall.

I was about to open the door when I heard Niall talking to someone.

"Hey Z, Hey Li. I missed you both" Niall said. He was probably on Skype.

"Hey babe" a boy said and I froze. Babe? I thought he didn't have any boyfriends? But then I remember him talking about his two best friends. Maybe they were THAT close.

"Hey Niall" another one said, his voice much deeper than the first boy.

"How's France?"

"It’s great so far. But I miss you both so badly"

"We miss you too Niall" the deeper one said.

"Have you found some guy to fuck there besides me?" the first one piped up. To fuck? Niall never struck me as someone who liked fucking around.

"I just got here an hour ago Zayn" Niall chuckled. "But there is this guy...." Niall continued.

"What about him?" the deeper one whom I assume is named Liam.

"He's the son of mum's friend and he's flaming hot" Niall said, putting emphasis on the word 'hot'.

"What's the catch?" Zayn, I think, asked.

"He's straight. Got a girlfriend. Heard she's a total bitch though" Niall said.

"You're Niall Horan for fuck's sake! You can get any boy you want! Hell you even almost got Liam once" Zayn said and he and Niall both started laughing.

"I'd rather not remember that please" Liam said, clear shame in his voice.

"But there's something about him that different. When I see most guys, I just want to fuck then forget them, but for some weird reason, this Harry kid wants me to do more than just that"

"Maybe its love Ni" Liam said.

"Love? You're joking me Liam. I don't do love" Niall said "it's much too complicated"

"It won't be unless you try" Liam said.

"Maybe you lust for him" Zayn said "you want to fuck him over and over again. Like with me or something" 

"Is it necessary to remind me that you two are fuck buddies?" Liam said.

"Sorry Lu" Niall chuckled and then yawned.

"Go to sleep Niall, we'll talk to you in the morning" Zayn said.

"Alright. Night Zayn, night Liam. Love you both. Bye" Niall said and I took a deep breath and decided to burst in.

"Hey Haz, did you enjoy eaves dropping?" Niall asked, raising an eyebrow.

"n-no" I blushed. Damn I've been caught. "How'd you know?"

"The floorboards here aren't exactly the quietest floorboards in the world" Niall said, rolling his eyes.

"s-sorry" I said.

"It's fine" Niall said, taking off his shirt and pants, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. I stared in awe as I examined his body. It was lean and had enough muscle. It was also pale but a couple of bruises here and there.

"Like what you see?" he smirked.

"n-no" I said, looking away. "Where you get those bruises?" I asked, wondering if anyone beats him up.

"You want to find out?" Niall asked and I just stood transfixed on my spot as he started walking towards me.

"N-never mind" I said, walking backwards until I hit the wall.

"Too late" Niall said as he placed both his arms at my sides, trapping me between the wall and him. He leaned forward and bit on my neck, causing me to whimper. He bit on it even harder and gave it kisses when he pulled away.

"Night Harry" he winked and walked back to his bed, closing the lights and wrapping himself with his duvet.

What the hell just happened?

Summer Love (Narry)Where stories live. Discover now