Chapter Twenty-Two: into Tartarus

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And we set off

Percy's POV

We walked down the hill and the sun was already setting.

"Hey Zues! I need help to get to LA!" I shouted to the sky. There was a flash and Zues was there.

"Get in" he said, pointing to his chariot. We all got in and he set off to LA.

"Hey Uncle Z? Do you know which twin will die?" I asked, Tears in my eyes.

Zues sighed, "I do" he said.

"Which one of us!?" Travis asked.

"I cannot tell you that, just remember Travis, mischievous wins" he said. I started thinking. Mischievous wins? Who will be the most mischievous? Who already is? Well, Travis already is. But in the future? I don't know.

"Well, here's LA" Zues said, stopping. I really wanted to make a sassy remark, but the author isn't creative and can't think of anything, plus, it wasn't the time.

"Thanks Uncle Z" I said.

"Mhm" he said.

We all walked out towards the Underworld. I could see Clarisse shaking out of the corner of my eye. I turned towards her. She looked at me with fear in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Clarisse" I said. She looked down.

"It's not your fault Prissy" she said. We continued down and we saw Charon.

"Hey Charon" I said.

"You didn't die in a bathtub again right?" He asked, smiling. I smiled back and shook my head.

"We need to enter" I said.

"Hmmm mabye I can squeeze you in" he said smirking. "Five?" He asked.

"Yup" I said. He got us in and rowed us across the River Styx. We made small talk and finally made it to land.

"I leave you here" Charon said. We got out. We made our way to Hades palace.

"Hey Uncle H! You give Charon that raise yet?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Yes I did" he said. I smiled.

"So what's up?" He asked.

"We need..." I looked at Will. He checks a list.

"We need some petals from Persephone's special flower" Will said. Persephone nodded and left.

"Percy?" I heard someone ask. We all turned around and saw Nico. Will smiled and walked over to him. Will put his hands on Nico's hips and Nico put his arms around Will's neck. They sat like that for a little until Clarisse coughed. They broke apart, blushing. I laughed and soon Persephone came back with her petals.

"Take care of them, Will. Both the petals, and my step son" she said, smiling. Will and Nico turned even redder. We thanked her and left. I thought about Peter. Oh gods, Peter! He's all alone now! I dragged him to his death! I started hyperventilating at the worst time possible. Monsters surrounded us. The other four were killing the monsters while I sat there, useless. I kept whispering, 'I'm sorry Peter' over and over again. Soon, Clarisse deemed it time to help me out. She came over and calmed me down. I smiled and uncapped Riptide. I turned around to run into battle until I heard an ear piercing scream. I turned back around and saw Clarisse. She had a sword through her stomach. Blood was covering her stomach. I bit hack a sob and killed the monster that did it.

"Don't worry Clarisse! I can get help!" I yelled. I finished off the monsters while the twins and Will were helping Clarisse. I walked over and knelt next to her. She grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. I got the message. Her time was up. The light left her eyes and I screamed in anger. I bowed my head and prayed to Ares. I prayed she would get Elysium. Her body glowed golden and disappeared. Will and the twins grabbed my hands and lifted me up.

"We have to keep going" Conner said. I nodded and wiped my eyes. We left the Underworld and I thought of the prophecy.

Five shall go to the world of the dead

Most will be filled with dread

For the hero who was once filled with hope

Has now begun to mope

Five gone, three return

Sea, war, truth, and mischievous twins

Sea, truth, mischievous wins

Well, War is gone. And it was fast.

"Where to next Will?" I asked. He checked his list.

"Oh ok. Garden of the Hesperides. We need another flower petal" He said. I nodded. After the war, they had said they were in my debt. They can get us the flower.

Timeskip~ I honestly don't know what I'm doing with this quest

We made it just before sunset. We went in and they saw us.

"Perseus" one said.

"Hey, I need... the goldbell flower petals" I said. She nodded and left. We made small talk and got the petals. We left and Will checked the list.

"Mount Olympus. We need a root that Demeter has" he said.

"What do I have?" Demeter asked, popping up in front of us.

"The Shrublesh root" Will said. Demeter handed it to him and flashed away.

"We need Hestia's flame. Just a little" Will said. We made a fire and prayed for her to come. She came and gave us her flame. We thanked her.

"Lastly, we need... oh gods, how will we get this, we need some of the river that flows through Tartarus" silence.

"Fuck!" I yelled. I ran my hand through my hair. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" I repeated over and over. Father popped up.

"Percy, you have to go to Tartarus. Just you" he said, sadly. I stood in shock. Shock turned to determination.

"Ok" I said simply.

"Percy are you crazy!? You can't go alone!" Conner yelled.

"I have to Conner! Just go back to Camp! I'll be fine! I've done it before!" I said. They stared at me, wide eyed, and nodded. They flashed away with Father. I was flashed to the edge of Tartarus.

"Percy?" I heard someone ask. Nico, Hades, and Persephone were there.

"Hey guys" I said weakly.

"You can't go in there!" Nico shouted.

"Yes I can! I have to!" I yelled back. Nico walked towards me as I turned around.

"Percy" he said cautiously. I jumped in.

"Percy!" Three people yelled.

And I was falling.

A/N 1,031 words! Hello! Back again. Soooooo... how is everyone?

Have you been checking out my other books?

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If yes: good

If no: GO DO IT

Bye Loves! Yes, 'loves'

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