Chapter ninteen: he had anorexia?

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Mention of rape, anorexia, and abuse.

Peter's POV

"I love you" I said. He fell asleep and I smiled at him. I lied my head down and soon fell asleep.

The next morning

I woke up and sat up. Percy was still asleep. Gods, he's such an adorable sleeper. I got up and went to the kitchen. I had made bacon and blue eggs (Benedict. Blue eggs benedict). Everyone woke up and came for breakfast. I sat next to Percy and he smiled at me. We ate fast and everyone went and did their own thing. Well, me and Percy cuddled on the couch watching Finding Nemo. After a while, we had fallen asleep. We watched so many movies, that it got us to four PM.

Timeskip it's not brought to you by anything. Oh! No! It's brought to you by my brother punching me because I rolled my eyes.

Percy's POV

We woke up at about six o'clock. The Avengers, except Steve, were watching Harry Potter. I smiled and snuggled up closer to Peter.

"Dinner is ready!" Steve called. I stood up and walked into the dining room. My eyes widened and I gasped. My eye started tearing up. Steve smiled and walked over.

"I knew you liked blue food, and your favorite food is Chicken Divan (I made that up. Not the food, that fact that it's his favorite food. It is really good though) so I made you blur chicken divan" he said, smiling. Peter walked in and saw me hugging Steve very tightly and he smiled. Peter walked over and made the hug between Steve and I, a group hug. Everyone else piled in on the hug.

"Well, I can't say this isn't adorable" we all heard. We all let go and turned around. We saw the gods/goddesses standing there, smiling. I smiled and walked over, hugging my dad.

"Hey Perce, how are you?" He said, smiling at me. My smile faltered and only Peter noticed.

"Good, totally good, never been better! Hahaha" I rushed out a little too quickly. Only Peter noticed and he frowned. I started rubbing my arm and Peter, alone, noticed this. We sat down and ate. I only ate a little. After dinner, I cleaned up and went to my room. Peter was sitting on the bed, waiting for me.

"Perce, why aren't you ok?" He said. I teared up. He stood up and I ran into his arms. I was crying and he was trying to calm me down. Key word: trying. I just wouldn't calm down. Natasha came in and helped Peter calm me down. I eventually did calm down and Peter, again, asked why I didn't eat and wasn't ok.

"A-Annabeth" I said. He looked at me sadly. They both knew what I was talking about. "I-I'm sorry" I said. Their eyes widened. They both hugged me tighter and I started crying again.

"Percy, whatever she said to you, was not true. Anything she said, ignore it, ok?" Natasha said. I nodded and they smiled. I smiled weakly. Peter and I went to my bed and laid down. As I was drifting off I heard Natasha close the door softly.

A beautiful timeskip~~~ it can be brought to you by anything, what is it brought to you by?

Flashback to when they were still at camp

Annabeth had just left me in my cabin after doing you know what. I sighed and got up. I got ready for dinner and went to the dining  pavilion. I walked in and Annabeth grabbed my arm, dragging me back out.

"I just needed you know that your worthless" she said. She then proceeded to carve words onto my body. 'Worthless' 'fat' 'ugly' 'annoying' 'unloved' and finally 'fag'. She left again and I got up and went over to the water it healed me but I made sure it kept them as scars. I walked into the dining pavilion right as dinner was about to end. I sat at my table and didn't eat anything. This continued for the rest of the time at camp. I wouldn't eat at all and, well, you know the rest

I woke up, gasping for air. I was crying and Peter woke up. He sat up and hugged me. I cried into his chest and he rubbed circles around my back.

"Wanna tell me about it?" He asked. I nodded and told him everything.

"C-can I see?" He asked. I nodded again and took my shirt off. He saw all of them and his eyes got watery.

"I-I'm sorry, Peter" I said. He looked up at me and motioned for me to come to him. I walked over to him as he stood up. I thought he would hit me but instead, he hugged me.

"There is nothing for you to be sorry for, ok?" He said. I nodded yet again and he brought us towards our bed. He laid us down and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

A/N 832 words. Hey guys! So this one is short because I'm losing motivation. Also, if I get more motivation, a member of my family tested positive for Covid. So, if I have enough motivation, I can update more during quarantine. Bye! ^•^

Percy Jackson And The Avengers (On Hiatus) ⚠️DISCONTINUED UP FOR ADOPTION⚠️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ