Chapter Twenty: the newbie

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Percy's POV

I woke up when something, more like some one, was getting off the bed. I smiled at Peter and he smiled his amazing smile back. Gods, what did I do to get him? I certainly don't deserve him, I thought.

"Watcha thinking about?" Peter asked.

I smiled, "just how lucky I am to have you" I said. Peter blushed and held his hand out. I smiled and took his hand. We walked together out to the kitchen. Steve was in there making pancakes.

"Hey Steve!" I said.

He looked up at us and smiled, "hey! Want some pancakes?" He said. I nodded eagerly and Steve and Peter laughed. I blushed and hid my face in my hands.

"S-stop!" I said, flustered. They laughed again and Peter took me to the table. I put my arms in the table and put my head in my arms. Peter took my hand and rubbed circles on it with his thumb. I looked up and he smiled at me. I smiled weakly and he pulled out his phone. He pointed it at me and took a picture.

"Your smile is adorable! I got a picture of it!" He said. I turned red again. I groaned and put my head back in my arms. He laughed and, though he couldn't see it, I smiled.

Natasha's POV

I walked into the dining room to see Peter laughing and holding Percy's hand while rubbing circles with his thumb. Percy had his head in his arms but I saw that he cheeks were red. I smiled at the display and tip-toed out and got the other Avengers. I dragged them in and they all smiled at it. Percy looked up and saw us. He groaned and put his head back down. Peter looked at us and smirked.

"I got a picture of him smiling and now he's all flustered." Peter told us. Percy groaned again and I went and sat next to him. Steve walked back into the kitchen and brought out the pancakes. We all talked and laughed during breakfast. Suddenly the gods appeared.

Percy's POV

The gods appeared and I groaned.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Hey...Percy....haha..." Father said nervously.

"What happened this time?" I said flatly.

"Go to camp, they can explain" Apollo said. I nodded and got up. Peter followed me to my room and we started packing. When we finished we went back into the dining room and saw that the gods were gone. The rest of the Avengers came into the dining room with bags. I smiled and they returned it. I vapor traveled us to Camp. Chiron came trotting over and he looked nervous.

"Hey....Percy...hahahaha..." he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Let me guess, another child of Poseidon came and everyone is too nervous to talk about it?" I said. Everyone who was around gasped. Chiron started stuttering and I laughed. "So where is he or she?" I asked. They all pointed towards the arena and the Avengers and I headed over there.

When we got there there was a boy slashing at the dummies. He had dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes. He was fairly muscular but not as muscular as me. He looked at us and saw the crowd behind me.

"And who are you?" He asked.

"Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, two time savior of Olympus, killer of Gaia, and Kronos, among other things. You?" I said.

"I am John Joshua, (name courtesy of my brother) son of Poseidon" he said, with pride. Ok, this one'll be trouble.

"Well nice to meet you, this is Peter Parker, my boyfriend." I said. He looked at Peter with hunger and Pete shuddered. "This," I said, walking to Natasha. "Is my adoptive mother, Natasha Romanoff." I continued to introduce them all but John was just looking at Peter with lust. Peter looked uncomfortable.
"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever" he said. Everyone looked at him shocked. "I'm so much better than you! I bet I could beat you in a duel! If I win, you have to leave Camp and break up with Peter." He said.

"And what do I get if I win?" I questioned.

"Nothing" he said. I rolled my eyes.

"As much as I would love to beat you, I don't want to" I said.

He smirked, "what? Scared your gonna lose?"

"Oh no, I know I would win, I just-" I was cut off by John trying to hit me with his sword. I sighed and dodged his attack. "Oh gods, your another egotistical idiot who just can't get the fact that sometimes, they need to battle their pride and stop trying to win stuff that they can't, in their head" I said rolling my eyes.

"I am the most powerful demigod ever! You don't stand a chance!" He said. I sighed again. He was all offense so just dodged, blocked, and countered his attacks. He started slowing down and I smirked. I took offense and he was too weak to stop my attacks. I had Riptide at his neck and said "yield?"

"Yes I yield" he said angrily. I capped Riptide and turned away. I saw Peter's eyes widen as he shouted for me to turn around. I spun around right as John plunged his sword through my chest. My vision was going black and I saw a figure come out of a portal. I knew he was Chaos so I rasped out "C-Chaos"

Everyone's eyes widened and they hastily bowed.

"Percy tell your friends they don't need to bow- Percy!" Chaos said/shouted. I smiled weakly and Chaos rushed over to heal me. As he did so, he shouted "who did this!"

Everyone pointed at John who had been smirking until Chaos turned red with anger. Chaos finished healing me and Peter ran to my side. I smiled and took his hand. Chaos walked over to John and said something. I couldn't hear because I passed out.

A/N 1000 words exactly. Hey! I made two other books! One is My Hero Academia and the other is also Percy Jackson. Go check them out! Bye!

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